Luca's Bad Girl - By Amy Andrews Page 0,12

been strutting a Milan catwalk.

‘You the boy who was having a light-sabre fight with your little sister?’ he asked the teenager.

The boy nodded glumly. ‘She’s never going to let me live it down.’

‘Sisters can be very unforgiving.’

‘You’ve got sisters?’

Luca nodded. ‘Three.’

‘Man, that’s harsh.’

Mia slid him a sly glance. His accent had thickened and his words had seemed tinged with something she hadn’t been able to put her finger on. Then the two of them got into a conversation about Star Wars and Mia gritted her teeth and pretended Luca and his mouth were in a galaxy far, far away.

By the time he passed her in the hallway at ten o’clock she was walking a very fine line between homicidal mania and sexual frustration. The man was everywhere—in the department and in her head—and, heaven help her, she wanted to push him into the nearest available private space and tear his clothes off.

But it had been a one-off.

They’d agreed.

‘Oh, Dr McKenzie, I meant to tell you earlier, I’ve arranged for a debrief session with John Allen from Psych for you.’

Mia slowed and turned. How could she want to kill him and kiss at the same time? ’Cos she did. She wanted to kiss that smug Sicilian mouth so badly she could scream.

‘I don’t need a damn debrief,’ she snapped, tossing her head, daring him to push her. ‘I’m fine.’

Luca smiled at the flash in her eyes—like sun shining on a cathedral window. He liked the way her chest rose and fell just a little bit too fast. And how it pulled at her blouse in all the right places.

He pushed back. ‘I’m sure you are. But you’re having one, anyway.’

That was it! Mia put her hands on her hips, barely suppressing the juvenile urge to stamp her foot. ‘Oh, no, I’m not.’

He nodded. ‘Ten tomorrow morning.’

Her gaze locked on his mouth the same time his locked on hers. Something stirred deep in her belly. A primal recognition of attraction. A potent force.

She lifted her chin. ‘You can’t make me.’

Luca felt a subtle shift in the signals emanating from her. Had that challenge been sexual? A nurse bustled past and gave them a strange look.

Luca inclined his head to a nearby door. ‘Shall we discuss this in private?’

Mia knew it was the on-call room. ‘Fine,’ she muttered, her heart rate suddenly trebling.

She followed him through the open doorway into the empty room. ‘I’m not seeing a shrink, Luca. You can—’

Luca turned abruptly, cutting her off with a swift, hard kiss, crowding her back towards the door, shutting it with the combined weight of their two bodies.

Every cell in Mia’s body leapt to life. She grabbed the knot of his tie, pulling him flush against her.

She groaned, or was it him?

Madness, it was madness.

She broke off. ‘We said once,’ she gasped.

Luca nodded. ‘I know.’ And then he went back for more.

Mia gave herself up to the urgent press of his mouth. The bold stroke of his hand against her breast. The hard thrust of his erection.

She whimpered as he ground his pelvis into hers and rubbed herself shamelessly against him. Her hands travelled to his butt, urging him closer, nearer, angling him just right.

She shut her eyes as he hit the spot, her head lolling back against the door. His mouth moved lower to the mad flutter at the side of her neck.

The flutter was everywhere. In her breasts and her belly and between her legs. It thrummed through her ears in a deafening thunder like the roar of the ocean or the call of the wild.

Luca. Luca. Luca.

Not even the peeling of an emergency beeper pierced it. It took two squealing beepers to manage that.

Mia pushed on Luca’s chest as the sound finally penetrated. They were both gasping, their clothes askew as they automatically reached for their pagers.

Damn! ‘Cardiac arrest two minutes out,’ Mia panted.

Luca nodded as he read the same message on his beeper. ‘Great timing,’ he murmured.

Mia took a few seconds to straighten her clothes and clear the heavy fog of lust from her brain. Luca followed suit.

‘How do I look?’ she asked as she quickly retied her hair to its pristine smoothness.

Luca smiled. ‘Like you’ve been thoroughly kissed.’

Mia glared at him.

That was exactly what she’d been afraid of!

The following night, Mia snuggled into her ancient duffle coat as she and Evie left The Harbour behind them and crossed over the road, heading for the flashing neon sign that read ‘Pete’s’. It was nearly ten o’clock but Wednesday was traditionally Copyright 2016 - 2024