Luca's Bad Girl - By Amy Andrews Page 0,11

blood at the mere thought. It certainly hadn’t been the way he had envisaged that night would turn out. In fact, if someone had asked him who’d be the woman least likely to sleep with him, he would have said Mia McKenzie.

But it had been pretty damn amazing. Once she’d made up her mind she hadn’t held back. She hadn’t done that irritating talking/fishing-for-compliments thing that a surprising amount of women did during sex. Or tried to twist herself into some uncomfortable position because she knew it was her best angle.

She hadn’t even asked him what he liked in an effort to make it all about him.

No. She’d known exactly what she’d wanted and she’d taken it. But she’d given, too. She’d been confident and assured and had met him as an equal.

It was the most uncomplicated one-off he’d ever had.

Now, if he could just stop thinking about it …

Mia moved through the shift with her senses on high alert. Her skin prickled when he was near. The hairs on her nape stood to attention. Her nipples seemed to stay in a state of permanent erection. It seemed every cell in her body was well and truly tuned in to Luca.

And it didn’t help that they kept running into each other.

The first time had been in the lift after she’d been on for half an hour. She’d just caught it before the doors had shut and squeezed in with several other people sharing the space with a transport bed. The patient had been almost lost amidst the equipment on the bed and the stuff hanging off the rails had made it an even tighter fit.

She’d smiled at the patient as the doors had shut and turned to stare at the opposite wall, only to be confronted by Luca’s slow, sexy smile.

‘Dr McKenzie,’ he murmured.

‘Dr di Angelo,’ she replied, dropping her gaze to the knot of his tie rather than the knowing look in his eyes.

‘How were your days off?’ he asked innocently.

Mia couldn’t believe how intimate it could feel between them in a lift full of onlookers. She kept her gaze firmly on the knot at his throat.

His long, tanned throat she’d licked every inch of.

‘Fine, thank you.’ Apart from daydreaming about you.

His grin broadened as if he could hear the words she hadn’t said. ‘I trust your arm is getting better?’

Mia had felt sure that if his voice could cure wounds hers would have miraculously healed on the spot. She kept her gaze resolute, trying not to think how erotic the smooth glide of his jaw had been against her breasts.

‘Thank you, yes.’

‘I can look at it later, if you like. I think there’re still some dressings left in the on-call room.’

Mia’s eyes flicked up before she could stop them and his smile gained a slight triumphant edge. A blast of heat arced between them and Mia was surprised that it hadn’t incinerated everyone in the lift.

‘Thank you Dr di Angelo. I can manage,’ she murmured as the lift doors opened and she walked out on legs that felt like wobbly jelly.

The second time she’d worked with him on a fifty-two-year-old construction worker who had come in from an industrial accident, having sustained major chest and abdominal injuries. He’d placed a chest tube and done the intubation while she’d inserted a central line.

They’d worked in tandem, like a well-oiled machine, but she’d been aware of him and his every move every second. Their gazes had locked regularly. At one stage their heads had even bumped together, competing for the same line of sight. He’d apologised, but their faces had been very close. His gaze had dropped briefly to her mouth and her mind had strayed to exactly where she’d put it on his body.

The third time she’d been plastering a fifteen-year-old-boy’s broken arm when he’d lounged in the doorway to the plaster room. He hadn’t announced himself but something had alerted her and she’d looked up to find him propped against the doorframe.

‘Haven’t you got something better to be doing?’ she asked testily, returning her attention to the job. How was she supposed to avoid him when he seemed to be wherever she was?

Luca shook his head. ‘All quiet. I thought I’d skulk here for a while.’

She’d glanced up at his use of the word ‘skulk’ and he grinned at her. He advanced into the room and she tried not to notice how his beautifully cut trousers and khaki business shirt fitted him to perfection. He could easily have Copyright 2016 - 2024