Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,28

a private word with him afterward, though, since just then the Duke of Dunmore arrived with much pomp and fanfare. For the remainder of the afternoon, Sophie was kept busy in a whirlwind of activity—making the guests comfortable, welcoming them with tea and other refreshments, and showing them the house and gardens. Dunmore claimed the largest share of her attention, a circumstance that should have been flattering but merely left her feeling frustrated and restless.

When it came time for dinner, the guests gathered in the drawing room beforehand. Sophie saw her father shoot Lord Jack a dark look and held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t make a scene. But for the next half hour he gave both Wildes a wide berth. He was determined to shun them, it seemed.

She had taken unusual care with the seating arrangements, keeping the Wildes at one end of the long dinner table, with Mrs. Pennant and the Fortins at the other with the duke. They managed to get through dinner without incident, but Sophie found herself envying the laughter at the far end. The Wildes appeared to be enjoying themselves, and Lady Skye’s vibrant personality shone even at a distance. The conversation at her own end was somewhat stilted, but the duke was oblivious to the awkward undercurrents of tension in the air.

Since there were more ladies than gentlemen present, after the dessert course, they all repaired to the drawing room together instead of the men lingering over port.

There was a close call when the Wilde cousins came face-to-face with Sophie’s father, but then Oliver hurriedly crossed the room to avoid having to meet them—rather like a Shakespearean comedy, Sophie thought, hiding her wince. It might have been amusing had the stakes been less serious.

For entertainment the first evening, two tables of cards had been set up, since Mrs. Pennant was a great whist enthusiast. At her invitation, Lord Jack joined her game, while Sophie’s father pointedly chose the other. Dunmore remained with the younger ladies, who took turns playing the pianoforte and singing. Sophie was fairly accomplished at playing, but knew her voice was nothing extraordinary. Even so, Dunmore lavished compliments on her, almost to the point of embarrassment.

When she caught Lady Skye’s amused eye, they shared a silent moment of camaraderie. Sophie was grateful when shortly afterward, Lady Skye drew the duke’s attention and engaged him in conversation.

As the evening wore on and the card games disbanded, Sophie was glad to escape to confer with the housekeeper about the tea tray. To her surprise—and admittedly secret delight—she met Lord Jack on her return. Yet she was not at all surprised when he took her arm and drew her into the nearest room, which happened to be a small parlor.

“I was plotting how to steal you away from your duties,” Lord Jack confessed as he guided her into the room and away from the open door, “but fortunately you saved me the trouble. I can see I will have to be more inventive if we’re to find ways to be together this week. Skye has volunteered to keep Dunmore occupied, but that may not be enough.”

Sophie caught her breath when he stepped closer. He wasn’t touching but was close enough that the heat radiating from his body warmed her.

“My father has forbidden me to speak to you unless you speak first,” she murmured.

“Then I shall have to take care to speak first. When can I see you alone?” Her hesitation led him to prod her. “Your father’s strictures leave us no choice but to meet in secret. Come, sweet Sophie, say you will meet me.”

His coaxing tone was like a siren’s call. He was trying to lead her astray and make her forget her familial obligations, Sophie knew, yet she couldn’t bring herself to object.

“I should have a few moments tomorrow morning before the guests gather for breakfast … perhaps eight o’clock. If you are willing to rise that early,” she added dubiously.

His quick grin held a teasing quality to it. “I am not as indolent as you believe. I regularly ride at that time. Where shall we meet?”

“There is a stone bridge a short walk from here that should offer privacy. You head west on the lane behind the gardens. But we cannot be seen leaving together.”

“I’ll take a horse out for a ride in the morning. Will you come then?”

His offer was too tantalizing to resist, of course. “Yes.”

His eyes crinkling with pleasure, he stepped even closer. When her body pressed Copyright 2016 - 2024