Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,27

Eunice, it is in very poor taste.”

The elderly dame seemed to relish his protest. “Oh, I am indeed serious, Oliver.”

“I will be damned if I will remain in the same house with members of that odious family.”

“Then you are welcome to leave. This is my home and I shall invite whomever I please. And I’ll thank you not to curse at my table.”

Oliver, who had long resented Eunice’s wealth and having to jump to her tune, grew tight-lipped. Clearly simmering with anger he turned to Sophie. “I forbid you to have anything to do with either of those Wilde rabble.”

“Don’t be nonsensical,” Eunice snapped.

Hoping to cool her father’s wrath, Sophie gave him a placating glance and said calmly, “Papa, we must at least be polite to the Wildes in front of our other company.”

Eunice instantly took up that drumbeat. “Yes, it would be idiotic for you to show your hostility, Oliver. You know the ton will always side with the Wildes over us commoners. Furthermore, what kind of message will that send to the duke if you are publicly feuding with another noble family?”

“I do not care. I don’t want that libertine Wilde fellow anywhere near my daughter.”

When Eunice made a scoffing sound, Oliver shifted his attention to Sophie again. “I am only trying to protect you, my girl.”

She smiled soothingly. “Papa, I don’t believe I will need protecting, truly. This is a genteel house party after all. What could he possibly do?” Other than tempt me with his wickedly seductive advances? she added to herself.

“I won’t risk it.” Oliver’s expression darkened as he shook his head sternly. “His mother was an utter scandal in her day, and his relative killed your great-grandfather in cold blood.”

Sophie felt the need to defend Jack against the unfair charges. “I know, Papa, but Lord Jack did not kill anyone. And he is not responsible for what his mother did three decades ago. Furthermore, I would truly like to know Lady Skye. She is said to be delightful.”

Her father was clearly not mollified, however. “He could be a fortune hunter, have you considered that?”

Since Mrs. Pennant planned to leave her fortune to Sophie, Oliver was always on the lookout for scoundrels who might take advantage of his daughter’s inexperience and tender heart.

But Mrs. Pennant retorted before Sophie could. “Pah, Lord Jack has his own fortune. Why would he need Sophie’s?”

Oliver raised a hand. “I forbid you to even speak to them, Sophie.”

“Papa, if they speak to me, I can hardly ignore them.”

Surprisingly, Rebecca spoke up for the first time, addressing her husband in her quiet voice. “Sophie is right, my dear. She cannot display bad manners in front of the duke. Such an unseemly display of ill-breeding would give him a disgust of her and damage her chances to wed him.”

When Oliver ground his jaw stubbornly, Rebecca seemed to withdraw once more and returned her gaze to her plate, which abruptly caused his expression to soften. His wife asked for so little that he was always willing to accommodate her.

“Very well,” he relented. “Sophie may speak to them—but only if spoken to first.”

Sophie repressed a sigh of relief. Her father’s reaction was not as violent as she’d expected, so she supposed that could be counted a victory of sorts.

But the decision obviously did not sit well with him. As soon as luncheon was finished, Oliver excused himself from the table, muttering that he did not intend to be present when certain repugnant company arrived.

As he stalked out, Sophie caught Eunice’s eye, which gleamed with relish, suggesting that she had purposely baited Oliver.

This time Sophie’s sigh was audible. Sometimes her great-aunt was not a very nice woman, and she was not looking forward to refereeing their family battles, which would only be made worse by the addition of Lord Jack.

Perhaps she was being overly hopeful about the potential outcome of his visit after all.

He and his cousin were among the last guests to arrive, and when he finally appeared two hours later, Sophie couldn’t help the leap of her heart at seeing him once more. Locking gazes with Lord Jack brought to mind his scorching kisses and sent butterflies rioting in her stomach.

Fortunately, her reaction went unnoticed by anyone but him. Lord Jack’s gaze lingered on her for a moment longer before he turned to pay his respects to Mrs. Pennant and introduce his cousin. When Sophie’s turn came, she greeted Lady Skye warmly and welcomed Lord Jack with proper politeness.

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