To Love Someone (Baytown Boys #14) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,33

“No one has a crystal ball, Joseph. No one can look into the future and see what’s going to happen. But if you close yourself off to the possibility of a relationship just because you think you’ll leave one day, then you could be kissing something really wonderful goodbye. Stop running away. Man, of anyone I know, you deserve a chance to love someone.” With that, he pushed through the door, letting it close behind him.

Joseph stared at the empty shop, Jason’s words on repeat in his mind. You deserve a chance to love someone.

Swallowing deeply, he shook his head. Love someone? Samantha? Hell, I can barely bring myself to talk to her.

Flipping the lock, he turned out the lights before walking back through the shop, up the stairs, and into his apartment. Thoughts of Samantha filled his mind. She was so different from the debutantes his parents tried to push his way when he was younger. Or the women who hung out in bars near Navy bases. She was unlike anyone he’d ever met, but as he learned more, everything about her called to him.

Sleep was elusive as he tossed and turned, wondering when he would see her again. And wondering if Jason was right. Do I dare open myself up to love someone?


Samantha walked toward an examination room, hearing an ungodly yowl coming from within. Glancing down at her tablet, she grinned as she opened the door and walked into the room. “Hey, Hannah. Percy.”

Hannah’s cat emitted another long, drawn-out meow, effectively summing up his feelings on being dragged into the vet’s office.

“I should just make a house call and save you the discontent.” Samantha efficiently pulled the big cat from his carrier and placed him on the examining table.

“I’m sorry he’s such a grouch,” Hannah moaned.

Samantha ran her hands along the healthy feline, murmuring softly to him. He never purred, but he did calm. “Cats generally hate to be in carriers, and they always hate the vet. Don’t worry, I don’t take this personally.”

Susan stepped into the room with the vaccinations and held Percy as Samantha readied the injections. Glancing up at Hannah as she finished, she said, “I saw you and Dylan at The Diner the other day.” She watched as pink hit Hannah’s cheeks. “And, if Carrie’s information is right, it’s not the first time you two have sat closely on the same side of the booth.”

Hannah rolled her eyes. “Yes, we’ve shared a booth… just like in middle school. There. Satisfied?”

With her hands still stroking the beautiful cat, Samantha shook her head. “Hardly! I want details. After all, I have to live my love life vicariously through my friends.”

“Well, you wouldn’t have to if you’d give Joseph a chance.”

Shocked, Samantha blinked. “Jo… Joseph? What on earth are you talking about?”

“Oh, come on… you have to know he’s interested.”

“You’re crazy.” Samantha tried to keep her tone neutral, but it sounded wistful even to her own ears. She focused on Percy, not wanting to meet Hannah’s gaze.

“What makes you think I’m crazy? I saw the way he looked at you at the AL meeting. But maybe you’re not interested—”

Unable to stop, she blurted, “We’re complete opposites. As closed off as he is, who knows what he’s thinking? And God knows I don’t have time for his brand of complicated even if I was interested!”


Samantha’s lips were pressed together as she continued to rub the beautiful feline, now noting that Percy was purring. “He’s quiet… broody. Not rude, but not overly friendly.” Snorting, she added, “I have no idea if he’s got baggage or just introverted. But my life doesn’t offer any time to help someone sort out their shit when I work all day, am on-call most nights, and can barely take care of my own life. I’m afraid complicated just doesn’t work for me.”

Wishing she had kept her mouth shut, she was almost glad when Percy decided he’d had enough and emitted another loud meow. That seemed to jolt Hannah out of her questions and her focus back onto her cat. Percy readily re-entered the carrier, and Hannah carried it out the door. Samantha waved goodbye with a wide smile that drooped as soon as her friend was out of sight. The entire conversation about Joseph had shocked her. Yes, the handsome, taciturn man intrigued her, but interested in her? Sure, he came to the clinic to check on me, but that doesn’t indicate interest. Not for a drifter.

“They’re ready for you in room three,” Copyright 2016 - 2024