To Love Someone (Baytown Boys #14) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,32

veterinarians,” Joseph admitted. “It never dawned on me who would take care of and treat the dogs that were used over there.”

Luke leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “I was thinking about talking to Sam.”

Joseph swung his attention around to Luke, curious about why the jail medic needed to talk to the veterinarian. “Why do you need to talk to Sam?” He winced at his sharp tone and turned back to his station, putting away a few more items. The back of his neck felt hot, but he refused to turn around to see if the others noticed his discomfort.

“Some of the prisoners have PTSD. I know there are dog programs where prisoners can help train dogs until they can get adopted out. I have no idea what it would take to do something like that, but it’s been on my mind. When Sam mentioned the local shelter, I wondered if the prisoners could help. She might have some ideas or maybe resources to take a look at,” Luke explained. “I guess I’d better start with Colt first, though, to see if it’s something he’d allow.”

Nodding, Dylan said, “Put something together, and I’ll bring it up at our next Law Enforcement Leaders meeting. I know Liam has been talking to Sam about some strange sightings lately so we might call her in.”

“What sightings?” Joseph asked, forcing his voice to remain neutral.

“A couple of farmers have called in to complain about a wild dog in the area. Well, one said it was a wolf, but that can’t be right.”

“Coyotes?” Zac asked. “I know the Eastern Shore has had a few sightings that probably came down from Maryland.”

“Don’t know. Just know that we don’t want anyone hurt either by the dogs or by some fool hunter trying to take them out.”

“And Sam?” Joseph pressed, ignoring Jason’s smile directed at him.

“As the only vet around, she may have heard something or had a client mention a sighting. Anyway, Liam said that she’d keep an eye out for any news.”

Wyatt grinned. “Sam’s amazing. Tiny, but tough as nails. And she’s fuckin’ gorgeous.” He stood and stretched, cracking his back. “I’m heading out. See y’all at the next AL baseball game.”

He was quickly followed by many of the others, leaving Joseph with Jason, Zac, and Dylan.

“From your expression, I thought you might plant your fist in the middle of Wyatt’s face,” Jason said, grinning toward Joseph.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sam is a really great woman. You ought to ask her out.” Zac’s comment was accompanied with a wide smile, but Joseph only scowled.

Before giving him a chance to respond, Dylan held his gaze. “Just seems like the two of you are always going at it. Instead of fussing, you might want to try something else.”

“I don’t know,” Jason grinned. “Makeup sex is great.”

The others laughed, and Joseph shook his head. “Christ, shut up.” Thoughts of holding Samantha close, tilting her face up to his, and kissing those beautiful lips had crossed his mind more times than he wanted to admit even to himself. And he sure as hell wouldn’t admit it to his friends. “Don’t know that a woman like her needs anyone like me.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Zac’s brow lowered.

Joseph shrugged. “You know me… never stay in one place for too long. Makes no sense to start something only to have it end badly when I decide it’s time to leave.”

“You plan on leaving?” Jason asked, still sitting on the stool behind the counter but turning to face him.

His breath caught in his throat, realizing the implications of his comment considering he worked for Jason and paid rent on Jason’s apartment. “No, no, man. Not now. I just mean… sometime.”

“So just because you think that sometime in the future you might want to leave Baytown, you decide it’s not worth getting to know a really great woman?” Zac shook his head and said, “Sounds to me like you’re just trying to protect yourself, not her.”

A heavy sigh left his lungs, and he bit back the urge to argue and deny. Finally, he hefted his shoulders and shook his head slowly. “I don’t know. I’m not sure anyone’s right for me or I’m right for them.” He stood, hoping the others would take the hint and follow his lead. They did, and soon Dylan and Zac headed out of the shop.

Just before Jason left as well, he stopped with his hand on the door handle and looked over his shoulder. Copyright 2016 - 2024