Love Redesigned - Jenny Proctor Page 0,98

he asked. “If Sasha doesn’t want to take you back?”

I chewed on my lower lip. “I guess I have to hope I’ll at least get close enough to see where she’s keeping the dress. Then hopefully I’ll find a way to sneak back in and make the swap.”

He reached over and closed his hand over mine, giving it a quick squeeze. “Let’s do this,” he said. “I’m sure Sasha is up and beginning her preparations. I’ll walk you over and point you in the right direction.”

I stood, smoothing the fabric of my dress. It was Chase’s creation this time—floral silk in shades of purple that fit and flowed in all the right places. He’d pulled the fabric out of my stash and made it while I was working on Sasha’s replacement dress. I’d never had something custom made that I hadn’t made myself; it was a treat to be the beneficiary of Chase’s impeccable taste and skill.

Alex shrugged on his suit coat and I noticed, as always, that he was equally dressed to impress. His suit was a light gray, his tie a deep shade of purple that was a nice compliment to my dress. He reached for a tiny box that was sitting on the kitchen counter. I hadn’t even noticed it until he grabbed it. “I almost forgot,” he said, opening the box. “Isaac gave this to me yesterday in case you wanted to use it.”

I leaned forward. I couldn’t even see what it was he was holding up. It was the size of a pea, maybe? And made out of what looked like clear plastic. “What is it?”

“It’s a Bluetooth headset,” Alex said. “Just in case you need to call one of us without letting Sasha know.”

He held out the device and I took it, careful not to drop it. We’d never find the thing again if I did. “It’s so tiny.”

“I don’t think they’re available commercially yet. It was sent to Isaac for review. Here.” He held out his hand. “Where’s your phone? I’ll pair it for you.”

I pulled my phone out of my bag and unlocked it before handing it over, realizing a second too late that I maybe didn’t want him to see the wallpaper on my home screen. Because it was him. Us. A photo of the two of us all wrapped up in each other’s arms. We’d taken it the night after we’d seen Hamilton. The first night we’d kissed. The night I knew I’d fallen in love with him.

I should have changed the photo. Paige had insisted I’d never actually get over him if I didn’t. But every time I’d pulled up my phone’s settings and scrolled through my photos to pick something new, I hadn’t been able to do it.

He took one look before his eyes darted back to mine. He held my gaze, his unspoken question hanging in the air between us.

I gave my head a small shake, my shoulders rising into a shrug. “I don’t know,” I said. “It’s from the night we saw Hamilton. I guess I never got around to changing it.”

He looked back at the photo. “That was a great night.”

“Yeah, it . . . I’m sorry, can you give me a minute? Go ahead and pair the device. I’ll be right back.” I hurried into the bathroom that adjoined the bedroom where I’d slept the night before and gripped the shiny porcelain of the pedestal sink. What was the matter with me? It was as if the realization that yes, I wanted to be with Alex had completely upended my entire world. I had to get a grip. I forced a long breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. Then followed it with another, and another.

Back in the pool house kitchen, Alex was standing up, waiting for me. “Are you all right?”

I nodded. “Just nervous, I guess.”

He held up the Bluetooth. “Maybe you could wear it on this side?” He motioned to my left. “It will be hidden that way.”

My hair was swept over to the side, pinned in a loose bun just below my ear. If worn in my left ear, it would be completely concealed by my hair. I took the device from Alex and pushed it into place. “Is it in right?”

His fingers brushed against my hair, moving it out of the way so he could look. I took another deep breath, hoping he didn’t notice how his touch made gooseflesh rise up and down my arms. “Looks Copyright 2016 - 2024