Love Redesigned - Jenny Proctor Page 0,97

next morning, I sat on the side of the pool, my feet swirling in the cool, blue water, and called Paige. Though it was not quite seven a.m., she answered on the first ring. I sighed with relief when I heard her voice. I no longer had the guarantee that she’d be up with the children since she’d officially given up her nannying job, but I’d hoped she would answer anyway. I needed the clarity only a conversation with Paige could bring.

“Dani! How are you? How’s Florida?”

“Oh, good. I was afraid I’d woken you up.”

“Nope. Just got back from a run. Are you avoiding my question? How’s Florida?”

I’d told Paige I was simply attending the wedding with Alex, that he felt obligated to go and try and make amends with his stepfather. She still had no idea we were attempting to get back her dress. “It’s warm,” I said. “And beautiful. Alicio’s house is unbelievable. We’re staying in the pool house and even just that is amazing.”

“Have you seen Sasha yet?” Paige asked.

“No. But I promise to kick her in the shins for you when I do. How’s wedding prep going?”

“Let’s see. My job for today is to convince my mother she does not, eight days before the wedding, need to have the caterer add five different kinds of shrimp to the appetizer list. Five, Dani. Who needs five kinds of shrimp at one dinner?”

“A Pinckney, of course,” I answered in an exaggerated Southern drawl.

“Yeah, yeah. So seriously. How has it been? How are you and Alex?” she asked.

I told her about the portrait I’d seen hanging in the pool house bedroom, as well as the chilly reception we’d received from Victor. “It all seems so clear now,” I concluded. “When I saw that portrait with him not in it, everything that happened between us made a new kind of sense. I was never fair to him, Paige. I didn’t mean to do it, but in his eyes, I chose LeFranc over him. It was the worst kind of betrayal.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

“I have to tell him how I feel. Convince him that I recognize now that there’s more to life than fashion. That I’m not willing to put my career over the people who are most important in my life.”

“Do you think he still cares about you?” Paige asked gently. “I’m with you a hundred percent, Dani, but I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

“No, he does. He’s . . . he’s told me he does.”

She squealed. “Then go get him! Find a way to tell him. The sooner, the better.”

Three hours later, Alex and I leaned on the counter of the pool house kitchen and went over our plans for the day.

First, find Sasha. Ingratiate myself enough that she’ll allow me to assist her until the wedding.

Second, find the right moment to swap out the dress, relying on Chase who, after arriving as the most obnoxiously early wedding guest ever, will rendezvous with Alex to get the replacement dress and bring it to me to facilitate the swap.

Finally, meet Isaac, on standby with the floral delivery van, at the back door with Paige’s dress. Make sure Alex knows so that at the same time, he can find Alicio, tell him everything he discovered about Sasha/Sally Mabel Rivers, and provide proof of her embezzlement.

Timing was key.

If Sasha found out about the dress before Alex had the chance to talk to Alicio, it was possible she’d have a first-class tantrum and create so much of a distraction, Alicio would no longer listen to Alex. If Alicio heard of Sasha’s deceit before the dress was safely off the premises, it might lead to a confrontation that would eliminate my access to both Sasha, and the dress. Alex and I would have to stay in constant communication to avoid both scenarios.

“You’re nervous,” Alex said, looking my way.

Ha. He had no idea. I was nervous enough about stealing a wedding dress, but the thing that had me really feeling queasy? Standing next to him. Feeling the warmth from his skin when my arm brushed against his, or the heat flood my cheeks when he held my gaze for an extra-long moment.

The words were hovering at the front of my mind.

I’m sorry I betrayed you.

I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.

I still love you.

But I couldn’t say them. Not yet. Not here.

“Nervous, yes,” I said. “But determined. Paige deserves to wear her dress.”

“Do we have a contingency plan?” Copyright 2016 - 2024