Losing Control - By Robyn Grady Page 0,50

certain he could breathe.

Liam had been trying to get him. He'd been offered a better deal with a rival network. He needed to make a decision. What could Cole do for him? He needed to know now. Cole dragged a hand over his damp brow. This deal was major, major. If this didn't happen, Hunter Broadcasting was in deep trouble.

Feeling that cold sweat break behind his neck now, Cole stabbed a few keys. He was talking, trying to mend a critical situation, when Taryn wandered back and peered in at him, questioning, through the window. Needing to talk to Liam - with no distractions - Cole angled away.

Even as they spoke, Cole's brain was shouting at him. Why did you let down your guard? If he cruised for long enough, of course something bad would happen. And as the negotiations deteriorated, and Taryn, worried and disappointed, moved inside her house, Cole made a vow. If only this worked out, if he didn't lose this deal and have to put off workers, need to shut down shows, he would never take his position for granted again.

Not for any reason.

Not for anyone.

* * *

"I'm ba-ack!"

With his usual cheery smile, Roman Lyons moved into Taryn's office at Hunter Broadcasting and, at her desk, set a big "friends only" kiss upon her cheek.

Genuinely happy to see him, trying to tack up a smile, Taryn set down her pen. "How was the script-writing junket?"

"Junket?" Roman swung a leg over the corner of her desk. "I'll have you know that my colleagues and I worked bloody hard on sorting out angles and zingers for our next and biggest season yet. Did you miss me?"


"Good job I was only gone a week then." Roman leaned closer. "So, tell me. Has the Commander finally given your show the nod? You've been back from that survey two weeks. The budget's been worked over a thousand times. Surely he's made a decision."

When her insides ached, she could only look away.

While they hadn't discussed it, Taryn guessed Roman knew she and Cole were lovers. Or had been. Frankly, she was confused at how things had turned out, although she guessed she shouldn't be surprised. Since that Friday, just over a week ago, when Cole had needed to perform circus tricks to keep that football contract from going down in a landslide, things had changed between them. For the worse.

Although they saw each other at work and a couple of times had gone out to lunch, Cole had distanced himself. He hadn't come over to her place, hadn't invited her to his. Whenever she suggested they do something fun, he said he was far too busy. If she brought up her show, he told her he'd get back to her soon.

Of course, Cole blamed himself for the panic that had ensued when that man, Liam Finlay, had been unable to get in contact the afternoon they'd played hooky in the park. And, although he would never admit it, or accuse her, she was certain Cole blamed her, too, for tempting him outside of his usual dutiful boundaries.

She'd never been a party girl, but that week with Cole had been the best of her life. More than that, she'd reevaluated. Thought about priorities. She still wanted her show to go into production, but she'd come to see that in recent years she hadn't laughed enough. She'd usually taken herself so seriously. Last week, Vi had said she was a different woman. Hell, Taryn had thought Cole had become a different man.

Apparently not.

Taryn answered Roman's question. "Cole put through word today. Hot Spots has his approval."

Roman's expression exploded. Giving a hoot, he swung an arm through the air.

"That, my lovely, deserves a celebration. Cups of tea all around." Jumping off the desk, he eyed her percolator. "Although coffee will more than suffice."

The news had come via email and was signed, Best, Cole Hunter, Executive Producer In Charge. Certainly everyone had a template, but couldn't he have given her this news in person?

While Roman moved over to that counter, Taryn sucked down a fortifying breath. She didn't have to confess anything to this man. Except, firstly she trusted him. And secondly she'd felt so isolated, so alone here since Cole had bit by bit shut her out. She needed catharsis. To purge her doubts. Clear her conscience.

"I suppose you figured it out," she began.

Roman was lumping sugar into his cup. "Figured out what?"

"That we...that Cole and I have been, well, together."

Roman hesitated only a second

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