Losing Control - By Robyn Grady Page 0,51

before pouring the coffee. "Totally your business."

"I didn't do it to gain the advantage," she said. "I didn't sell myself to get my show through. It happened and now Hot Spots will go into production..."

Roman returned with two cups. "And that is top news."

She shut her eyes but those doubts wouldn't leave her. "I can't stop wondering if Cole finally slid it through because he felt obligated. He never approved of the idea. He never stopped telling me he thought it would fail."

"Here's a big tip." Roman pulled in a chair. "Don't torture yourself. Just run with it and give those ratings a jolly good jolt."

She half smiled but had to ask. "Has this ever happened before? Cole getting involved with a colleague, I mean."

"Cole's not the blast-his-own-horn kind of guy. Or, rather, not with regard to love affairs. Low-key. As far as I know, no one from here. And never anything serious."

"Guess that hasn't changed."

Roman heaved out a breath and gave her a comforting smile. "It's not your fault. You know what they say about a leopard and his spots."

Around ten, Roman said cheerio. At the exact moment he left, Cole strode by her office without slowing down.

A hollow gutted feeling gripped her and wouldn't let go. The walls seemed to fade back at the same time they pressed in. She set her face in her palms and tried to fathom this out. From the moment they'd first kissed, she'd known what she was getting into. Trouble. But there'd been a time when she'd thought she'd meant something more than a convenience to him. Another element in his world to be manipulated. Eliminated.

Seems she'd been wrong.

An urge overwhelmed her. An impulse greater than she'd ever known. Taryn pushed back her chair and, needing answers or closure or something, she caught up with him outside of the accounts department. Cole obviously hadn't thought she'd put on a chase. He jumped when he saw her appear beside him.

A little out of breath, she asked, "Any more word?"

His Adam's apple bobbed above his tie's Windsor knot then control returned to his face.

"Word on what?"

"Your father's situation."

"No breakthroughs yet although I have every confidence Brandon will come through. If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting. I'm already late."

He headed off, but she wasn't finished.

"Still thinking about sending Tate to your brother's?" she asked, catching up again.

"That's one plan."

Not willing to talk about it? Okay. Next.

"I finally got Muffin inside. She's had her kittens. Four in all."

"I hope they find good homes."

Still walking, she said, "I thought you might want to see the rundown for the first show. It's in draft form - "

"Leave it with my PA. You know Leslie."

His personal assistant was a nice lady with the patience of a saint. She'd need to be, working with Cole.

"Any special requests to be included in the draft?"

"Just slot out your expanded ideas for the six locations - "

She didn't hear the rest. She slapped a hand on his arm to try to pull him up.

"What do you mean six? A season is thirteen episodes."

"We'll see about that after initial ratings come in."

"I'm not happy with six shows, Cole. You're not giving it a chance."

He was checking his watch, edging away up the hall. "Like I said..."

She growled. If he said just one more time he was late...

She blurted it out. "Why are you treating me like this?"

Darren from the Sport department was walking by, slowing down to take a good long look. Cole took her arm and led her into a nearby unused office.

After shutting the door, he set his hands low on his hips. "You want to cause a scene?"

"I want some answers."

"Six shows is my limit, Taryn." His chin notched up. "I don't recall promising you anything."

So she should be grateful?

"I don't recall asking for anything other than you meeting the terms of my contract."

He folded his arms, cocked his head. "Are you done?"

"No. I'm not done. I want to say you don't have to go around hiding from me anymore."

"I don't hide from anyone."

"If you regret that time away, that week when we came back and were happy, it's not half as much as I do."

She'd said the words. How much easier her life would be if she believed them.

"You're jumping to conclusions," he said.

"I'm inventing the fact that you're avoiding me?"

His eyes slowly narrowed.

"Do you want to know how I've been filling in my time these past days? Not only have I got that murder mystery hanging over

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