Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,83

to hit him so badly, but I can’t make a scene. My PR manager would hate it if I did. More importantly, Miss Shaw would hate it.

“I’m cutting in!” I snarl. My voice is so deep I’m worried my eyes might be glowing. Scales could pop out at any second.

The jerk’s eyes widen to comical proportions. Yes, I’m talking to you, fucker! I mean business!

I think he’s a little shocked because he doesn’t obey me immediately, which pisses me off. “Now,” I growl.

He lets her go and steps away like he’s been burned.

It takes a second for her eyes to lock with mine. A goofy smile breaks out on her gorgeous face. “Bolt!” she yells, jumping into my arms and wrapping her arms around my neck. She buries her face in my chest. Yeah, she’s drunk.

“Go away!” I growl at the jerk, who is standing there like he might still have a chance.

He turns and runs. Good! Fucker was going to take full advantage. I bet he was trying to buy her more drinks. I know guys like that. Asshole!

“You smell so good,” Miss Shaw says against my chest. “Oh, my god, but they should bottle this.” I watch her little nostrils flare as she sniffs me. “Companies…you know…the ones that make…make… What’s it called? Oh, yes! The ones that make cologne. They should bottle you.” She smiles wider. Her eyes have this hazy look. She sniffs again and groans. “They should totally bottle you all up.”

I smile, biting back a laugh. “Let’s get some coffee into you.”

She shakes her head so hard, I think she would have fallen over if she wasn’t holding onto me. “No…no coffee.” Her eyes go wide. “They have amazing shots here. Isn’t that right, Candice?” She lets me go and grabs the arm of a nearby blonde.

Candice. It’s her best friend. Her eyes widen, and her mouth drops open as she sees me. “You’re…you’re him.”

How much does she know? I push out a breath. I know Miss Shaw, she wouldn’t have said anything. NDA aside, I asked her not to, and I trust her. I put out my hand. “I’m Bolt.”

We shake. “Um…Candice.”

“Follow me,” I tell her. “We’re going to VIP.”

She nods. I put my arm around Miss Shaw and pull her close. “Can you walk?”

“Yes. Why? Do you want to carry me?” She giggles. “You’re strong enough. You know that? You have all those muscles. I think you could carry me without hurting your back. Most men wouldn’t be able to carry me on account of these.” She cups her breasts, and I swear I almost come in my pants right there in the middle of the fucking dancefloor.

I’m going to kill Tri. I send him a dirty look. I see him laughing his ass off.

I pick her up, and she squeals. We’ll get out of this mob quicker if she’s in my arms. “Hold on,” I tell her as we head to the stairs. I glance back to check on Candice. I’m happy she’s keeping up. Although she has a broad smile on her face, her coordination is fine.

The bouncer steps aside. “She’s with me,” I tell him, gesturing to Candice. He nods and lets her through.

A few seconds later and we’re in the VIP area. I introduce Candice to Tri. He kisses her hand, and she’s all smiles and pouts and fluttering lashes.

“Put me down,” Miss Shaw giggles. “Bolt, you can put me down now, silly.”

I carefully set her on her feet, noting that, at least she had the good sense to wear low heels. She leans forward, smiling like a madwoman and holding out her hand, which Tri shakes. “I’m Ashley.”

“Oh, I know exactly who you are,” he says. “I’m Trident.”

Miss Shaw frowns. “You know who I am? How do you know who I am? I don’t know you.” Then she seems to forget what she was saying and smiles. “This is Candice…she’s my very best friend.”

“Lovely to meet you, Candice,” Tri plays along. He kisses Candice on the hand again, and she giggles. “What can I get you lovely ladies to drink?” he asks.

“More shots.” Miss Shaw does this little jump, but her feet don’t leave the ground, which is probably a good thing.

I send Tri a scathing look and mouth ‘Fucker’ at him.

“Chill, bro! The real thing for you and me, and virgin shots for the ladies. I like Candice. I also happen to like my women sober and able to make decisions.”

“I don’t think so! I’m taking

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