Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,82

and lock the car.

“Yes.” I nod once, walking over to the back door, which is opened for me. Light spills out.

“This way,” the guy says. He’s big, for a human. He’s wearing a full suit, all in black.

I follow him down a long hallway. It leads to a large, stylish office. I’m going to assume it’s Tri’s. There is a dull, thumping sound pounding off the walls. The big guy pushes a button, and the elevator doors slide open. We go inside. Half a minute later and the doors open again. The music is much louder. Pounding out a beat.

I step out and scan the area. I’m going to assume this is the VIP zone. It’s above the club, on a balcony section. It’s a large area with very few people. There is a crowd gathered to my right. Mostly scantily-clad women. They’re surrounding two guys. There’s a bar. I think it’s made out of ice, which would impress me if my stomach wasn’t clenched tight. I spot Tri standing at the railing. He’s looking down at the dancefloor.

I walk up beside him and spot her immediately. I growl low. Tri laughs. “Glad you could join us. Can I get you a drink?”

I shake my head. Fuck! That dress!

“I have to say,” Tri says, “she’s beautiful. No wonder you fell for her.”

I’m frowning hard. “Fell for who?”

“The harpy, you asshole. Who else?”

I set my jaw. “I got poisoned by the harpy, I didn’t fall for her. Actually, Miss Shaw isn’t anything like that bitch.” There’s a growl to my voice because I notice how close that suited up jerk is dancing with her. His eyes are roving all over her body, lingering on her breasts.

Tri shakes next to me, and a laugh bursts out of him. “So,” he laughs some more, “you’re telling me that you’re not fucking her?”

I shake my head. I can’t take my eyes off of Miss Shaw. Her hips are gyrating to the music. There’s this carefree smile on her face. She frowns when the guy leans in and says something. She shakes her head and keeps dancing. Then she puts her hands in the air and sways her whole body. That smile is back. It’s…dopey.

“How many shots did you feed them?”

“Two, but they had a drink and at least one shot when they got here.”

“Fuck!” I growl. I’m pretty sure she’s wasted. Not to the point where she’s falling on her face, but… She stumbles a little, and the bozo puts a hand on her hip to steady her.

That’s my job, fucker!

“Why are you here, then?” Tri asks. “You should get down there.”

I realize I just said that out loud. I’m a little worried about how she will react when she sees me. I’m not entirely convinced she’ll be happy with me being here.

“I could send a staff member to ask them if they’d like to come up to VIP?” Tri asks me. He knows I don’t particularly relish going out in the general public.

I don’t answer. I’m too busy watching the jerk. He keeps his hand on her hip, even though she’s fine. Miss Shaw is frowning a little. He leans in again and says something else to her.

She shakes her head and gives his chest a light shove. Bozo motherfucker doesn’t get the hint. In fact, he puts his other hand on her other hip and steps in closer.

Miss Shaw might have had too much to drink, but she isn’t completely out of it. She shakes her head harder, keeping her hands on his chest. She’s trying to push the scum bucket off her.


With a low growl, I turn and head for the stairs. I take them three at a time. The bouncer at the bottom moves out of the way just as I’m about to bowl him over.

I shouldn’t be doing this. Anyone can snap a picture of me at any time, but fuck it. I’ll be damned if I can sit by and watch that dickhead paw her.

People seem to know what’s good for them because they part as I walk, taking big strides. I don’t blame them. My fists are clenched. I can feel a scowl on my face. My teeth are gnashing together so hard, I think I hear a molar crack. That fucker still has his hands on her. I can see she doesn’t like it by the way she’s arching away from him. He doesn’t seem to notice because his eyes are on her chest. I want

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