Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,27

behalf. There may be business-related travel expenses. Trust me, you’ll need it. Send the invoices and receipts to the accounts department every Friday so that the funds can be transferred back into the account. If you can’t make it through the week, speak to Trisha from accounts so that she can forward you the relevant documents to have the limit increased. Got it?”

“Um…yes.” I cannot see myself blowing through that much money in a week. No way. I nod anyway.

Mr. Bolt walks over to my desk. He opens the drawer and takes out a small laptop bag. I’m assuming there’s a computer inside. “It’s new. IT transferred all of the relevant information off of Janet’s device and onto this one.” Then he takes out a white box, placing it next to the bag. I can see that it’s a brand-new cellphone. “I need you to be available twenty-four-seven. I travel frequently, which means you will be required to travel too. I don’t want you running up your personal account. Use this for everything business-related.” He taps on the box. “Neither of the devices has a password…you will need to set them up yourself. Please don’t use 1234 or your birthdate. You will be privy to information that needs to remain private, and in some cases, top secret.”

“Oh my gosh, are you saying I could be hacked by your competition?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Did you get the contract back to HR?”


“Good.” He rubs his chin. “You signed our standard NDA?”

“I did.” I am now starting to understand more and more why I would need to sign a document such as that.

“I’m having Legal draft something a little more comprehensive, but the standard non-disclosure will have to do for now.” I see he’s thinking it through. He locks eyes with me. “I have a couple of basic rules you need to be aware of.”

I nod, keeping my eyes on his. “Should I take notes?” I ask.

“No! They’re basic and easy to remember. I need your best. I want your all, Miss Shaw.” He pauses for half a beat. “I don’t accept half-assed. Secondly, I’m very private. The two of us will spend a lot of time together. My life is no one else’s business…not your best friend’s, your mom’s, your neighbor’s, and certainly not the press. You don’t talk to the press unless instructed to do so by me personally.”


“You may not talk about anything that goes on in this office or on our trips. That goes for work or otherwise. My personal life is my business.”

“I completely understand.” I realize that my hands are tightly clasped in front of me and let go, smoothing my skirt.

“I mean it. Things like what I eat. The brand of cologne I prefer. Where I have dinner. Who I have dinner with.”

I’m nodding as he says each thing.

His eyes narrow slightly, boring into mine. “Who I fuck, Miss Shaw. How often I fuck them. How many times they come. Whether I buy them dinner first or not. Whether I see them again afterward…”

I can’t breathe. I can barely think. My heart is going nuts in my chest.

“It’s all my business and mine alone.”

I swallow thickly. It sounds loud. I lick my lips, which have gone bone-dry. “Of course.” My voice is high-pitched. “I get that. I do.” I try to force myself to stop talking, but it doesn’t work. “I won’t say a thing. I promise. I swear on my life. Scout’s honor,” I say even though I’ve never been a Girl Scout. I really need to shut up now.

He sort of smiles. The one side of his mouth quirks up for half a second. Oh, that mouth. I quickly flash my gaze back to his eyes. Safer territory, although not by much.

“I’m glad to hear it, Miss Shaw. I do believe you, but I have that NDA on file, and you need to know that I will not hesitate to sue you if you are in breach. You’ll be left with nothing. No one will hire you, and I mean no one. Not even your daddy. Do I make myself clear?”

He’s threatening me to within an inch of my life, and I still find him sexy. I mean, I can’t really blame him, his life can’t be easy. I don’t think money is everything. You need it, but it can complicate things. I truly feel sorry for him right now. Poor guy can’t have a normal life. Normal things. For Mr. Bolt, there

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