Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods #5) - Charlene Hartnady Page 0,26

how to operate the elevator and where to go. “Are you sure you don’t need me to escort you?”

“I’ll be fine.”

He looks relieved. “I’ll be back in an hour to take the two of you to the airport. I need to refuel and take care of an errand for Bolt.” Then he walks back to the killer car. I’m sure it cost more than my whole apartment, including the furniture.

I notice that he calls our boss…just plain Bolt. No mister, no first name…just his last name. I wonder why. Are they friends? Has Trevor been working for Mr. Bolt for a long time?

I brush those thoughts aside and head inside. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m excited and terrified all at once. Not so long ago, I was a simple pastry chef, and now I’m the personal assistant to one of the most powerful men in the country. I googled Steven W. Bolt between packing my clothes this morning – not only pictures of him this time. I wish I hadn’t. I’m feeling intimidated now. He’s not just any old businessman. He’s a billionaire and a ruthless, extremely successful entrepreneur. According to a well-known women’s magazine, he’s one of the top three most eligible bachelors in the world…and he’s my direct boss. I take deep breaths, closing my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

I can do this!

The elevator doors slide open, and I make my way down the hall and into the office. I look around, not sure what to do. I’m guessing that the empty desk to the side is mine. Mr. Bolt’s office door is closed. Do I make myself comfortable or knock on the door? I’m contemplating my options when the phone on the desk starts to ring.


I set the box of cupcakes down on the desk and stare at the ringing phone. I’m not sure what to do. I can’t just let the phone ring, though. It’s my job to answer, and I’m technically on the clock. I pick it up. “Zeus Group, good afternoon.” I hope I sound relatively confident, even though I’m not.

“Put me through to Bolt,” a deep voice on the other side says. I must be extremely nervous because goosebumps break out on my arms, even though the temperature is perfect in here.

“Who can I say is calling?”

“This is urgent,” the voice says. “Put me through right away.” The person on the other end is abrupt to the point of being rude.

“I’m afraid I need to know who’s calling, please. Mr. Bolt is in a meeting right now,” I lie. It’s not like I have any other option.

The door to Mr. Bolt’s office opens, and he saunters through, his phone to his ear. “That so, Miss Shaw?” I can hear him both through the receiver and in person. No wonder the voice gave me goosebumps.

“It’s you,” I say, putting the phone down.

“Do you make a habit of stretching the truth, Miss Shaw?”

What? My mouth opens and closes a few times, and I feel heat blossom up my chest and neck until my face feels like it’s on fire. “No. Not at all.” I sound irritated. I feel irritated. The nerve! At the same time, he’s right. I lied on my resume. I might have come clean in the end, but that doesn’t change the fact that I lied initially.

“I’m not tied up in a meeting,” he elaborates when I don’t say anything.

“I couldn’t just put someone through to you. A – I didn’t know who they were or what they wanted, and B – I don’t know how to transfer a call. It could have been important, so I didn’t want to leave it to ring either. I had to think on my feet.”

“You did exactly the right thing. Well done, Miss Shaw.”

“You were testing me?” I sound incredulous. I can’t believe he would do that. “Are you planning on testing me more often?” I’m not sure I like it.

“It’s a distinct possibility.” He slides his phone into his pants pocket and takes out an envelope, which he hands to me.

I take it. “What is this?”

“It’s a credit card. Sign the—”

I frown. “Why do I need a credit card?”

“It’s for business expenses, Miss Shaw. You will need to keep all invoices and receipts. It has a fifteen-thousand-dollar limit, which—”

“Holy fudge nuggets! That’s a lot of money.”

“I was going to say, if it isn’t sufficient, it can be increased. From time to time, I will ask you to purchase items on my

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