London Dynasty (The Dynasties #1) - Geneva Lee Page 0,50

maker and a bag of beans. A quick check of the fridge revealed nothing more than a few bottles of champagne and some leftover containers. I moved them around, crossing my fingers that I might find some eggs—anything to tide me over until Spencer was out of the shower—but it was no use. I’d given up and turned to make coffee when I heard his footsteps behind me.

“Is your fridge always a wasteland? I’m starving. Aren’t you?” I called as I measured the beans into the grinder.

“It’s always like that,” a high voice that was both too feminine and too curious to be Spencer answered.

I spun around, spilling some beans on the floor. They skittered across the tile floor in every direction as I stared at the pretty blonde watching me from the end of the kitchen island. A short silk robe was tied around her waist and her hair was piled on top of her head. It was clear she’d also just gotten up. A hundred questions occurred to me at the same time, but only one seemed important enough to lead with.

“Who are you?” I demanded, too shocked to care about sounding like a bitch.

“Rose,” she said like this meant something before sauntering into the kitchen. She bent to pick up the beans, displaying a perfect, and totally bare, backside to me. Straightening she pulled open a drawer to reveal a hidden rubbish bin and dumped the ruined beans into it. “You must be Kerrigan. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“I can’t say the same,” I said slowly.

She turned and leaned against the counter, shrugging her thin shoulders. “Spencer never brags about his conquests.”

“You’re with Spencer?” I asked in a strangled voice. The room started to spin as I tried to process Rose and who she was. Had he brought me back to a flat he lived in with another woman?

“No, I’m here with Holden. Spencer and I are ancient history.” She waved me off like I should know better. “I don’t think Holden knew Spencer would be here or we would have gone to my place instead of his.”

Things were beginning to make sense. “This is their apartment then?”

“I see Spencer failed to mention that, too,” she said dryly.

“We were in a bit of a…” I searched for the right word. One that conveyed my intimacy with Spencer without making me sound cheap. I finally landed on “rush.”

Rose’s blue eyes sparkled. “I bet you were.” She nodded to the coffee maker. “Tell me there’s enough for us. Holden had me up all night. You know how it is.”

I bit my lip and nodded. I supposed I did know, but it felt wrong sharing something as special as last night with her, no matter how nice she was being.

“Rose,” a familiar voice yelled and my body tightened. A moment later, he walked into the kitchen, stopped in brief surprise, and grinned.

His mouth opened, but he stopped himself from saying whatever was about to come out. Instead, he greeted me with a simple, “Good morning, Kerrigan.”

“Holden?” I said, half greeting and half question.

“Didn’t know you’d be here.” He opened the fridge and snagged a takeout container. He tipped his head. “It’s from last night if you want some. We ordered enough for an army.”

Rose moved to his side and wrapped an arm around his waist, smiling up at him adoringly. When she looked back at me there was warning in her eyes. She was staking her claim on him. I wanted to tell her that she had nothing to worry about. I wasn’t the least bit interested in Holden.

“Wait,” she said, blinking a few times, “is she the one from the loo?”

“The one and only,” Holden said, digging a fork into the container. He spun it around, capturing a large bite of noodles.

“I guess we have kinda met,” Rose said. She popped onto her tiptoes and whispered something in Holden’s ear. He barked with laughter.

“I doubt it,” he said.

“You work at Hillgrove’s?” I guessed. I ignored the heat that rushed to my cheeks. They both knew I’d heard them fucking in that stall.

“I think you know the answer to that,” she said with a smirk.

“I was just using the toilet,” I said flatly. “I felt bad interrupting. Thankfully, it didn’t last too long.” I crossed my arms and shrugged.

Rose let out a whoop of approval. Holden, meanwhile, clutched his chest. “You wound me, but I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

“Holden,” Spencer said, coming out of the bedroom, “stop torturing my Copyright 2016 - 2024