London Dynasty (The Dynasties #1) - Geneva Lee Page 0,49

between his legs, doing my best not to wake him.

Although my sexual experiences were limited, I’d given more than a few blow jobs in my life. No one had bothered to return the favor. Spencer had shown me last night what I’d been missing. I suspected there would be no selfishness like that on his part. He’d gone down on me again after our lovemaking as though to soothe any pain he’d caused.

I owed him—big time.

I gathered my hair loosely and pushed it behind one shoulder before lowering my mouth to take him into my mouth. He was already rock hard, which meant I didn’t need to linger, but I found myself wanting to anyway. I ran my tongue along his length to his balls and back up. I licked the tip, catching a creamy bead of pre-ejaculate in the process. Spencer groaned in his sleep and shifted, giving me a better angle.

I seized the opportunity and lowered my mouth over him. Remembering his advice yesterday, I relaxed, allowing him to slide deeper into my throat before I closed my lips and sucked lightly.

“Am I dreaming?” he asked groggily. He propped an eye open and found me looking up at him, his cock down my throat and my lips planted at its root. “Fuck. How are you doing that?”

I lifted my mouth slowly and brought it back down until I’d swallowed him again entirely, keeping a steady pressure with my tongue the whole time.

“Don’t stop,” he grunted as I continued to bob up and down over him. His hand fumbled for my hair, got a handful, and urged me faster. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

He erupted in my throat, his cock still buried so deeply inside it that I felt only a hint of the hot lashing of his climax. When he finally stopped twitching and grew soft, I released him and crawled back up next to him.

“How does a virgin do that?” he asked me, suddenly alert and staring at me with pride and curiosity.

“I’m not a virgin,” I reminded him.

“You were yesterday.”

I nuzzled against him, wondering how much he would ask about my past. It was full of moments I’d rather not relive. “When you don’t put out, you learn to get good at blow jobs. I had to keep my boyfriends happy.”

“You learned to do that because some wanker was upset you wouldn’t sleep with him?” Spencer shook his head in disgust.

“It kept them happy for a while.” But never for long.

“I can’t believe any idiot ever let you get away.” He kissed my forehead, then sighed. “I suppose we can’t stay in bed all day.”

“Probably not,” I agreed, feeling as sad as he sounded.

“I need a shower. Join me?”

“I need coffee before I can be trusted to do anything,” I told him.

“There’s a bag in the cupboard.” Spencer sat up, and I missed his body immediately. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, threw one more impressed look my way, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

I laid in bed, covers pulled to my chin, and studied the room for the first time. Last night, I’d only had eyes for the bed and Spencer. This morning, I noted how spartan the room was. There was a large television mounted opposite the bed, but otherwise, nothing hung on the walls. No artwork or mirrors or anything that conveyed a sense of Spencer’s private life. The bedside tables held nothing but a lamp on each, and a remote on his side for the tv. I opened the drawer next to mine and found it empty. Between the hollowness of the space and the neutral grey decor, it felt more like a hotel than a bedroom. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that it was also empty, owing in no small part to last night’s activities. Getting out of bed, I found Spencer’s shirt, abandoned to the floor the night before. I slipped it on, buttoned it up, and continued my exploration.

The rest of the flat, which I’d only glimpsed in passing, was equally bare. The whole place was the definition of a bachelor pad down to the pristine, and obviously unused kitchen with its stainless steel appliances and white quartz countertops. It opened into a large sitting room. A U-shaped couch sat in front of a fireplace. Alcove shelves held a few volumes of leather-bound books that seemed more for show than reading. I opened cabinets looking for dishes. I found the glasses and mugs along with a coffee Copyright 2016 - 2024