Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,8

earlier laughter fading to a protective anger that did something else to Logan’s insides he’d prefer not to think about.

“Get your hands off her right now.”

The next few minutes passed in a blur. Bailey—one of them said his name as they tried to figure out what to do, and Logan couldn’t stop thinking it as he watched—took control of the situation. The others all looked to him as a leader.

Logan also couldn’t stop staring, even though it pissed him off. Where was his legendary self-control when he needed it?

The young woman—Ashley, Bailey had called her—would need help to get through the next few hours. He could see from the look on Bailey’s face that’d he’d figured out the same.

“What’s she on?” Bailey asked.

His glare would have a less powerful wolf backing down. Logan stepped closer, eager to accept the challenge this beautiful human presented.

“We need to get her somewhere safe. My name is Logan. I’m not going to hurt her, or you.”

Bailey didn’t blink. He stared into Logan’s eyes for a long, uncomfortable minute. The others argued behind him, trying to decide what to do. Without Bailey’s guidance, they floundered. He was their leader, an alpha of sorts for his friends, even if he didn’t realize it.

“She doesn’t need a hospital, but she’s going to need help. Will you trust me?” Logan’s gut clenched with awareness as he asked the question.

The weight of the world depended on Bailey’s answer.

Logan waited.

And Bailey answered with a tightening of his jaw and a subtle nod before he began issuing orders of his own.

“Will, go get my bag and bring it to me. Joey, make sure our tab is covered. I’m going to take Ashley home.”

“But I thought—” Heather glanced at the security guard and then back at Bailey. “Bails?”

“She’s okay, Heather. You know I won’t let anything happen to her.”

“I know.”


Scout appeared behind the security guard. He managed to disappear into the background of all the chaos, unnoticed by Bailey and his friends.

“Aleron, get the truck,” Logan muttered.

The words weren’t loud enough for any of the humans present to hear, but his team would hear them in their earbuds.

Ashley stumbled, and Bailey grunted under her full weight. Logan reached for her again but received a glare in return.

“I’ve got her.”

Logan backed off.

“What is happening right now?” Scout asked, his voice low and awed.

Logan never backed off to anyone, but damned if Logan would let his teammate think he wasn’t completely in control of the situation. He growled, low and unmistakable to someone with Scout’s sensitive hearing. Scout held up his hands and backed away.

“Aleron, watch for anyone exiting. Gideon, you still clear back there?”

“No one has left. There are a few more out here smoking, though.”

“Scout, get the scent back here in your memory. You smell it?”

The young wolf nodded. He breathed in deeply, with his eyes closed. When he opened them, his eyes brightened to the blue of his wolf.

“Who are you talking to?”

Logan turned back to Bailey and faked a smile. It earned him an impressive scowl. “I’m not—” Logan stopped. He didn’t want to lie. “—free to talk about that in present company.”

Bailey guided Ashley closer to him. His eyes sparked with annoyance, and his lips pursed until he spoke. “You’re going to explain this to me, or I swear to God, I will call the cops on you.”

“I’ll do my best.”

The faint thrum of fear underlaid Bailey’s scent. Logan wanted to give him some sort of reassurance, so he turned his head slightly to the side and angled it down. He pointed to his ear, letting Bailey see the device hidden there.

Bailey’s eyes widened as he hissed out his next question. “What the hell is going on?”

“Let’s get you and Ashley somewhere safe, okay?”

Bailey nodded.

“Aleron, get Dasan and Coal here. We need backup. Scout, you and Gideon start tracking the scent. Do not engage until we have more of the team here. Understood?”


Ashley tucked her face into Bailey’s neck and began nibbling on him. From his panicked expression, Bailey didn’t know what to do. Logan leaned down and scooped her up. The move disoriented her enough that she simply clung to him and blinked in confusion.

“I’m parked out front,” Logan said. “Let’s go.”

Bailey scoffed. “If you think we’re getting in a car with you, you’re crazier than you sound right now. What you can do is help me get her in my car, and then I will take her to my apartment, where you will not be doing anything

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