Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,7


“She needs medical attention,” the guy said.

“We’ll call an ambulance.”

The guy made another face. Something weird was going on here, and Bailey planned on finding out what.



“Split up,” Logan commanded as he entered the bar, his voice low enough only his team would hear him. “Keep your eyes open and stay in communication.”

Gideon, Aleron, and Scout scattered while Logan scanned the interior of the bar, looking for what had triggered the oracle’s message. A long wooden bar lined one wall. Logan used its mirrored back to his advantage, checking out the customers who stood around it waiting on their orders.

Luckily, they weren’t in one of those pitch-black bars lit only by the flashing lights above the dance floor. Logan loathed places like that, and he’d had to go in more than he’d ever wanted to in his lifetime.

This one, though, was more of a pub. The customers were young, probably from the local college, if their Greek-lettered sweatshirts and team jerseys were any clue.

Logan took quick stock of the situation. Nothing jumped out at him, which wasn’t odd in and of itself. If the scene had been that severe, the hellhounds would likely have been called. Besides, he’d rather have to hunt than walk into a bloodbath. He’d seen firsthand what out-of-control shifters could do.

“Anything?” Logan asked.

“Clear,” Gideon said from the back alley.

“Clear,” Aleron added. He’d remained out front, watching their backs and keeping his eyes on the street.

“Clear.” Scout had gone to the dance floor, since it had the biggest crowd and he’d blend in the most.

The customers appeared to be having a great time, completely unaware of whatever danger happened to be in their midst. Logan’s eyes were drawn to one of the dancers in particular, a guy who laughed as his small group of friends passed him around in some sort of choreographed routine.

His light brown hair had the slightest curl to it. It looked soft, touchable, and finger-mussed. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he moved from partner to partner. The only thing that didn’t seem right was his all-black clothing. He should be in color, brightening up everything around him as much as his laughter did.

Goddess, he was beautiful, with his head thrown back and the long pale length of his neck exposed. His eyes crinkled at the corners from the width of his smile, and Logan wanted to know if he smelled as good as he looked. He was captivating. It took more willpower than it should have for Logan to look away.

Logan pushed through the crowd around the bar and made his way to the back. He did not look toward the dance floor again. Scout had that area covered and didn’t need Logan checking up on him.

The moment he stepped into the back room of the bar, his senses went wild. Logan considered it a blessing. It forced him to stop thinking about the beautiful laughing man.

“Got something,” Logan muttered.

A sickeningly sweet scent hung in the air, cloying and uncomfortable. He followed it to the men’s room, where the scent seemed strongest, but other than a few guys taking a piss at the urinals, the room was empty.

Again, Logan followed his nose, but before he passed the door to the women’s restroom, a noise caught his attention in the darkest corner at the opposite end of the hallway. He bolted forward and found a young woman leaning heavily against a door marked Employees Only.

The scent of other covered her. Her bleary eyes looked up and met his. Confusion filled them, along with something else. Something Logan didn’t like at all.

“You okay?” Logan could see she wasn’t, but he honestly didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t exactly a people person.

“Logan?” Scout’s voice in his ear pulled his focus for a moment.

“I’m fine. Did you see anyone coming from the back?”

“No,” Scout answered.

“Gideon, anyone come out the rear exit?”

“A couple of the servers are having a smoke out here. Other than that, nothing.”

“Dammit,” Logan muttered.

He returned his attention to the young woman. She blew out a breath and sent him what she probably thought was a sultry grin. She reached for him, running a finger down his chest and stopping it at his belt buckle. Logan grabbed her arms and pushed her back, using the long length of his arms to keep her from touching somewhere they’d both regret.


Logan turned and snarled, not wanting anyone else to come near her in this state.

It was him. And he was pissed, all signs of his

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