Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,11

wrong, call me.”

Bailey licked his lips, then nodded. “I will.”

“Good.” Logan touched Bailey’s neck once more, unable to resist the temptation.

“You’ll be okay, right?” Bailey asked.

“I’ll be fine. There’s nothing to worry about at all.”



Nothing to worry about.

Bailey scoffed.

It wasn’t like some stranger was in his house, looking completely gorgeous and all protective and strong. Bailey wanted to curl up in Logan’s arms and… ugh.

He forced himself to stop his imagination from running away with him. Guys who looked like Logan weren’t into guys like him. He was probably only helping because of Ashley.

Except Logan hadn’t glanced her way even once since they’d come upstairs. He’d stayed with Bailey.

It didn’t mean anything, though. Right?

Besides, the thing he really needed to worry about was whoever had tried to drug Ashley. It had to have happened so fast. She’d been there dancing with them, and then…

“I’ve got to go,” Logan said.

“Yeah, okay.”

Logan touched his neck again, then turned and went down the stairs He looked back over his shoulder when he reached the bottom. “Come lock the door.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Bailey quickly ran down and took his keys from Logan’s outstretched hand. He’d completely forgotten he’d handed them over.

“Promise me you’ll call if you think something’s wrong,” Logan said.

His voice was low and kind of growly, and the light from the porch made his eyes glow this really pretty shade of blue. “I… don’t even know you.”

“Yeah, but you know I won’t hurt you, don’t you? Promise me, Bailey.”

“Okay. I promise.”


Logan stepped back, and Bailey pushed the door closed. He locked both the handle and the deadbolt, then glanced through the window at Logan. Logan nodded, his eyes flashing that pretty blue again, before he turned and walked away. His giant black SUV started a moment later, and then he was gone.

“Well, that’s that.”

“Bails? You have any snacks?” Ashley yelled from upstairs.

“Yep. I’m coming!”

He tore himself away from the door and darted back upstairs. Within minutes, he had Ashley settled on the couch with the remote in her hand while he made them a couple of quesadillas. He doctored them up with some of the bacon crumbles he kept in the fridge for omelets, then added some green onions for good measure. Once the cheese was all melted and gooey, Bailey took them out of the skillet and added some sour cream and salsa on top.

“Voila! A snack for you.”

“That smells so good.” Ashley took a bite before grinning. “Mmm.”

Bailey laughed and sank down on the couch beside her. “You seem to be feeling better.”

“Yeah. It’s weird. It’s like it wore off really fast or something? I don’t know.”

“Do you remember what happened?”

“No,” she said with a frown. She took another bite of quesadilla. Once she’d chewed, she shook her head again. “I remember us dancing, then… nothing until we were going out to the car. Isn’t that weird?”

“Super weird. We probably should have called the cops.”

“Wasn’t that guy a cop? He looked like a cop. I kept waiting for him to question me.”

Bailey didn’t think so. Something about the whole situation felt off, including exactly who Logan was. “I’m not sure. I don’t think he was a cop.”

“Then why was he there? I mean, come on, we’ve all seen the shows. All those cop types drive the big black SUVs like his, and he certainly looked the part.”

“True,” Bailey admitted. “But he didn’t really seem like a cop. Besides, wouldn’t he have insisted you go to a hospital and at least get your blood tested for evidence or something, even if he didn’t think you were up for questioning?”

Ashley sighed and popped another bite of quesadillas into her mouth. “Good point,” she mumbled through the food. “Man, this is so good. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

Bailey grunted and spread some sour cream and salsa around one of his quesadilla wedges. “That’s what you get for having nothing but a protein bar for dinner.”

“Da-ad,” Ashley groaned. “Stop nagging me.”

Bailey laughed and shoved his food into his mouth. “Fine.”

“Thanks for saving me, Bailey. Seriously… The others wouldn’t even have noticed.” Her breath caught, and she leaned against him.

“You’re okay. But maybe buddy system from now on, huh?”

“Yeah, at least until Hunky Hunky Logan figures out who did it, and then you can pay him back with lots of tongue and groping.”


“What? I have eyes. He was totally into you. Like, taking your clothes off with his eyes into you. And the way he kept touching your neck, like he wanted to pull you

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