Logan (Chosen Champions #1) - Macy Blake Page 0,10

be okay for the night.

The thought of leaving them didn’t sit right, though, and as they drove another few blocks to a small two-story house that appeared to have been converted into apartments, Logan wondered once more what the hell was going on with him.

Bailey pulled into the driveway, then around to the side where the grass had been worn away over time. Logan parked behind him, then climbed out of the SUV. He took a deep breath, scenting the air for something out of the ordinary, but he didn’t pick up anything unusual.


Although his teammate couldn’t speak in shifted form, they’d developed a system of sounds to pass information back and forth. Aleron gave him the all-clear, so Logan moved closer to the car.

“Stay close while I check the house.” Logan glanced up and caught a glimpse of his teammate flying overhead before he focused his attention on Bailey.

Ashley seemed less out of it than she had even a few minutes before. She still had the scent of the creature on her, but its magic had started to fade. “What happened?”

“We think someone spiked your drink,” Bailey said gently. “You’re going to crash with me tonight, okay?”

She nodded and let him help her out of the car. “I feel like I had ten drinks or something. And I’m—” She broke off, very confused and obviously embarrassed.

She was horny.

Logan ignored the scent of it pouring off her, which further confirmed his incubus/succubus suspicions. Bailey grabbed his backpack from the car and guided her around to a door at the back of the house.

“I’ll go first,” Logan said.

“Who’s that?” Ashley whispered.

“Dunno, but he’s the one who found you, and he’s been helping, so we’ll let him be all macho and overprotective before we kick him out and watch Steel Magnolias.”

“I love that movie.”

“I know,” Bailey said, wrapping his arm snugly around her.

She leaned her head onto his shoulder, but Logan noticed she didn’t try to nuzzle his neck again. It meant his scent would remain there, undisturbed. Logan really didn’t like how pleased that realization made him feel.

Bailey handed over the keys, and Logan unlocked the door. It opened to a narrow stairway. He scented the air, and his breath caught. Not because he sensed danger, but because of whatever it was that drew him to Bailey. Something warm pulled at his gut, but nothing he could clearly define.

He’d worried for a moment that Bailey might be an incubus, but his scent wasn’t anything like the sugary one of the creatures. No, it was pure, and honestly indescribable.

Logan shook off the strange distraction of Bailey and forced himself to focus. Just because he didn’t sense danger, didn’t mean it wasn’t nearby. He climbed the steps quickly before going left into a small living room.

The room only had a love seat, table, and a television on a corner stand. The end tables were crates turned on their sides, each of them filled to the brim with books and knickknacks. Off the living room was a tiny kitchen.

Logan barely fit in the doorway. No one hid in the space, as there simply wasn’t anywhere they could hide. Logan breathed in again, but he didn’t sense anything out of place at all.

He moved quickly across the landing at the top of the stairs and entered the small bedroom. It was almost entirely taken up by a queen-sized bed. The bathroom opened off one side, but there wasn’t anyone inside it. A small closet was on the other side of the room, but nothing hid there either.

“We’re clear,” Logan said.

“Finally.” Ashley climbed the stairs with no help from Bailey and went immediately into the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water, obviously familiar with Bailey’s place.

Logan growled in annoyance as her scent, mixed with the scent of other, began to invade the space.

Bailey put his bag on the couch, then dug inside it for a moment. He pulled out a pen and a notebook, then jotted something down before tearing out the page. He held it out, and Logan took it.

Their fingers brushed together, and Logan’s breath caught again.

Bailey’s phone number was on the paper. “We’ll be fine. Find who did this, then call me.”

“Will do,” Logan said.

He plucked the pen out of Bailey’s hand and wrote his number on the bottom of the page before tearing it in half and handing it back. “Don’t let anyone inside tonight, and if you hear anything suspicious, call me. Hell, if you even think something is

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