Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,65

like having outsiders nosing around in their cases, but Troy made it a point to share any information he had when it came to working with the police and had earned a solid reputation as a decent P.I. to work with.

Troy debated telling him the truth, but Walsh deserved an answer even if it evaded the question. “Actually...” Troy let the word speak for itself.

“No shit?” Walsh looked impressed. “I heard you’d been getting more and more famous clients. Nice work if you can get it,” he joked with a wink.

At the moment, it was shitty work, because although Troy was walking at a normal pace toward the E.R., he’d much rather be running. Julie’s panic over the phone had scared him shitless. Knowing she could have died this morning made his chest tighten. He had no business being this attached to her after only one night, but he couldn’t help himself.

Being with Julie forced him into the real world. He couldn’t be on the outside, on the fringe. Last night, he was living life to the fullest, enjoying his time and the sensory overload that Julie brought with her smile and personality. And now, he was knee-deep with worry, running a gamut of emotion he’d purposely dodged for decades. Julie was dragging him back to life one agonizing emotion at a time.

Walsh escorted him through the security at the back end of the E.R. with a wave and nod to the guard on duty. Once in the treatment room hallways, Walsh slapped a hospital visitor sticker on Troy’s chest. “You’re on your own.” He gave Troy another wicked wink. “Give your girl—or should I say client—a kiss hello.”

Troy tamped down the unfamiliar feeling of possession and waved at Walsh as he strode down the hallway in search of Julie. He didn’t need to check behind any curtains or doors, because the second he spotted the cop at the last treatment room, he knew where she was.

The young blond officer held his hand on the butt of his weapon as Troy got closer and Troy lifted his hands to show compliance.

“Julie Fraser?” he asked, trying to see into the room.

“I’m instructed to keep everyone out, so if you’d—”

“Troy!” she called. “Let him in please.”

The cop moved aside and Troy’s heart somersaulted. She sat in a hospital gown. Nicks and scratches marked her pale face and arms. Her right thigh had a bloody bandage across the front. Wrapped up in a hospital blanket, she shivered like a wet dog on a cold day.

Troy moved in, never taking his eyes off hers. She reached out and it was all he could do to keep from crushing her to him. He pulled her in gently, afraid to hurt her and unsure what her injuries entailed besides the obvious. She wrapped her arms around his waist, hugged him tight, and the emotions running through him were things he should not have been feeling after one night with this woman.

She took a deep breath and the breakdown he thought might happen a second ago disappeared.

He took off his lightweight blazer and put it around her shoulders and she shuddered against his chest. A million questions zinged through his head, but nothing came out of his mouth. He could only hold her close, be thankful she was alive and in his arms.

Could she ever want to be with a P.I.? Hell, she still thought he was a bodyguard. He’d lied to her. Was still lying to her about his true identity.

Troy pulled away and yanked a stool over to sit by her bed. He moved in close and took one of her hands in his. “You’re okay?” he asked, needing the confirmation from her lips.

She nodded, wiping at the tears on her cheeks as she composed herself. “I’m just waiting for the doctor to stitch up my leg.”

The next question terrified him. “And your mom?” He knew how close they were. He’d seen their interaction at the luncheon and remembered Julie’s request while lying on the red carpet.

She shook her head and fresh heartache filled her eyes. “I don’t know much yet. They said she was stable when we got here, but she was still unconscious.”

“Can you tell me what happened?” He squeezed her hand reassuringly.

Julie told him the story. How Elena had pulled out and left the power on to give her the chocolate bars. How the car had exploded and knocked them both back.

Troy listened and nodded. He was through waiting for the other Copyright 2016 - 2024