Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,64

killed. He sat on the edge of his bed and glanced at the gifts he’d purchased but hadn’t yet sent; the box of chocolates and the silver bracelet. He’d definitely have to send another bouquet of flowers. She’d need the encouragement. Needed to know that he was out here and still loved her. Still cared about her. He should’ve sent the packages earlier, but he’d wanted to space out the gifts, keep her excited and maintain her anticipation. It would make their first meeting even more special.

Anger swamped him, along with guilt and shame for failing to protect her. He’d have to do way better than this in the future. Julie deserved everything and he was the one man who could give her anything she wanted.

He’d already started working on his plan to get close. He had to follow her, be in her space so their meeting seemed accidental.

Protection. She needed serious protection. He walked upstairs and straight to his father’s gun cabinet in the office. His mother never opened the fucking thing since his father had died. An arsenal of weapons sat ready for his taking. This wasn’t the first time he’d gone in here. His father had forbidden him from ever opening these doors, but dear old Dad wasn’t around anymore. Dear old Dad had put a bullet in his brain a solid seven years ago. Of course, no one knew he’d helped his dad on that particular day. No one had deserved it more than that son of a bitch.

Allen took out his dad’s favorite revolver and aimed it at the door. If his mother chose that moment to walk through, he would be tempted beyond measure to take her out the same way he’d taken his father out. Just his luck that she wasn’t around.

The gun felt good in his hand. Cool and powerful. Maybe the time had come to visit the shooting range. The guns didn’t do him much good if he couldn’t hit his target.

Allen closed his eyes and tried to relax. Julie was okay and he’d make sure she stayed that way. He was going to watch her like a hawk from now on, even if he had to camp out in his car to do it.

* * *

Troy had never driven faster in his life. He’d just dropped Ari off at a meeting and he’d bugged out faster than he could say I quit. By the time he reached Julie’s house, the ambulance had left, but the paramedics and fire department were still in the middle of cleanup. Troy studied the burned-out wreckage of the Prius. The Mercedes next to it was totaled too. The carnage made him sick. The fact that someone wanted Julie dead made him sicker.

He made a mental note to call a fire scene investigation company he’d worked with a few years ago. He wanted all the details of this job.

Troy got back in his car after a quick chat with an officer. He arrived at Cedars in record time and went the long way into the emergency room. He spotted a barrel of a man in a security uniform, a former officer recently retired from the LAPD. Maybe retirement wasn’t all it was cracked up to be since he now worked at the hospital.

“Hey, Walsh,” Troy said, shaking the man’s hand. He’d met the officer when they were both downtown testifying in court on a particular case.

“Mills. Haven’t seen you in a while. What brings you here?”

“I need to get in the E.R.” Troy lifted an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

Walsh nodded. “Say no more.” He started moving down the long hallway. “Come with me.”

Troy slapped his back. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“You got a client in the E.R.?” Walsh asked.

How did he define Julie? She wasn’t a client. Not a girlfriend. Lover? Maybe, but for how long? At this point after one night together, someone could use the term one-night stand and not be off the mark, but Troy detested that phrase especially where Julie was concerned. Of course she had offered him a job, so a potential client relationship wouldn’t be a lie. “Something like that,” Troy said.

Walsh canted his head. “Girlfriend?”

Troy tipped his head from side to side. Didn’t he wish. “Something like that.”

“You know...the hospital is buzzing that Julie Fraser was brought in today.” One bushy eyebrow lifted high. “That’s not who you’re here to see, is it?” Troy had become semi-well-known at the police force. Most of the guys didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024