Lies In Rewind - Tali Alexander Page 0,48

behind my ear. I have my head on a pillow and his face is so close I can see his pores. He is kinda sorta good looking. If something were to happen to Louis, he’s not a bad plan B for Em; the silly thought pops into my head.

“You’re going through something and you’re sad. It’s nice that you’re trying to help your mate and deal with me on her behalf, but I don’t think you have anybody to help you. I’m not here to pass judgment on you; I’m no saint. I won’t hold anything you tell me against you in a court of law, so help me God, nor do I need to repeat our conversations to anybody. But talking to someone, even a stranger like me, must be better than bleeding yourself to death on the inside. You need a friend and I’d like to be your mate, Sara, unless you plan on going back down to the pub to find that red-nosed wanker from last night. I come cheap, all I ask is for you to shuffle over and share this comfy bed with me and I’ll listen to you for as long as you want. And I make a wicked cup of tea with milk and two sugars.”

This guy is unbelievable! I don’t understand what his angle is and why he’s bothering with me. I shouldn’t be talking to anybody other than Jeff, and he’s a goddamn stranger, the enemy. I can’t just tell him my life story; nobody but Jeff and I know the truth. But how nice would it be to say the truth out loud, to not have to lie. Maybe I could tell him a little bit if he promises me something. “I need you to promise me a few things and then you and I can upgrade our relationship status to pain buddies.”

“Sure thing, what kind of deal am I about to make with an American lawyer?” he says with a big smile, still kneeling by my side.

“You need to promise me, that a) you will not terrorize the Bruels by trying to get your sister’s book published, and b) whatever information I divulge about my life will never leave this room.” I have my hand out for him to shake on it. He’s looking at my hand and contemplating my deal, no doubt trying to figure out what he gets out of our agreement except a crazy story and a big headache. I add before he tells me and my deal to go fuck ourselves, “I also have information about your sister that you may not be privy to; if I can successfully get my hands on it, we can both see it.” This seems to pique his interest.

“Can I add something to our pact?” he asks and I nod. “Will you promise to tell Emily that I never meant to harm her in any way? I’d like you to tell her that she means a lot to me and if she wants me to leave her alone, I most certainly will. But she needs to give me the chance to tell her about Isa and Louis.” As he says those words, I know one hundred percent that I don’t need him to sign any stupid piece of paper ensuring that he never hurts Em. I know with confidence that he would in no way do anything but love her if ever given the chance.

“I will, Liam, I promise.” And with that we shake hands and form the Lonely Broken Hearts Club that has its first official meeting atop the Pierre Hotel.

“In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel

Sara slides over on the bed and makes room for me. I toe off my shoes and climb in, jeans and all. It feels quite nice to lie down after spending the night hunkered down on that wretched bench. We’re both facing each other on our sides, and in a juvenile way, I’m a wee bit excited at the prospect of becoming better acquainted with this sad little bird.

I only now see that her dark green eyes shine with tiny flecks of gold; they seem clearer, less clouded than before. She looks very sweet, like a human China doll with delicate features. She looks almost breakable. I catch myself before I fix her hair again. She’s not mine to touch, I need the reminder. I know I’ve seen her tits, but I must make sure I only fancy her in a neighborly mate Copyright 2016 - 2024