Legacy of Blood - By J. L. McCoy Page 0,84

away as his head hit the ground and started to roll. Running full force, I grabbed Oleif’s sword and had to pry his fingers off before he let go. Even in death he was being difficult. I turned on my heels and charged into the circle of men, wanting to join in on the fight.

I was grabbed from behind and I brought my sword around, narrowly missing Archer’s head.

“It’s me, Cion,” Archer said soothingly as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly to his chest. “You’re okay. Thank God you are okay. Where were you? I looked everywhere for you.”

“I was saving Trey,” I breathed in relief as I hugged Archer. “Amun had him chained up. What are you doing here? How the hell did you find me?”

“There is no time to explain,” Archer said before letting me go and calling something out in Gaelic to Ruarc and his men. “We need to get you out of here.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I said defiantly. “I’m going to finish this once and for all, Archer. Amun is going to pay for what he did to Seamus and Trey.”

Turning my back on Archer, I flashed into the chaos and spotted Amun smiling and taunting one of the soldiers as he expertly ducked and dodged his sword. I heard Archer calling my name and Amun’s head immediately perked up, his eyes finding mine.

“Who will you stand with, Nisiqtu?” Amun grinned at me. “Be careful that you choose the winning side. If you raise your hand against me and I live, I will destroy everyone you have ever known… slowly.”

My nostrils flared as my rage built. His words helped me realize that I was doing the right thing. I would never live in peace, my family would never live in peace, as long as this asshole walked the Earth. I roughly pushed the soldier that was fighting Amun to the side and smiled at Amun as I walked up to him.

He opened his arms to me and I cocked my head to the side as I brought Oleif’s sword up and stabbed him in the chest. Amun threw his head back and laughed as he pulled the sword out and threw it to the ground. My mouth opened in utter shock. The sword didn’t even faze him. “It looks like you have chosen wrong, Damu. Such a pity.”

He raised his hand and backhanded me before I even knew what happened. I hit the dirt hard and crashed into someone’s legs; my face pounding in time with my heartbeat. Amun screamed out suddenly and I felt searing pain in my stomach. I looked down to see blood gushing from between the laces of my bodysuit. When I glanced up at Amun, he was staring down at his stomach in utter shock. He had been sliced open and the wound was deep.

Someone pulled me up off the ground and began dragging me away, but not before I saw Ruarc attack Amun again with the Sword of Saint Patrick. The sword connected with Amun’s chest and I felt the searing pain again as it tore through my skin. I screamed at the exact same time as Amun did.

I felt my body being thrown over someone’s shoulder and I watched helplessly as I was taken away from the fight. “P-Please,” I whispered, the pain in my chest excruciating. “I have to go back. I-I need to go back.”

The person carrying me said nothing as they started descending Mount Bonnell’s stone steps. Pain sliced through me again and this time I felt it in my side. I started choking and coughing up blood and I had a sudden moment of startling clarity. Amun was dying. I felt each of his injuries as it happened to him; I carried the same wounds from the Sword of Saint Patrick as he had. I blew my essence into you; shared my very soul. I combined a part of it with yours. Amun’s injuries were killing me in return.

The next blow hit me on the side of my head and I saw stars as blood began pouring down my face. I had to stop them from killing him or I was going to die too. My vision began to vibrate as the person carrying me reached the parking lot. I felt my body start to pulse and everything around me turned bright white, blinding me. I closed my eyes as I let the vibrations overtake me.

The next second, I hit

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