Legacy of Blood - By J. L. McCoy Page 0,83

up to join us. Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, I heard a sickening ripping sound and a splat as something hit my leg.

I looked down into the still blinking eyes of Seamus’ severed head and screamed.

A fierce roaring sound cut through my terror as I scrambled backward on my butt away from the gruesome sight. Bodies flashed past me and I heard sounds of battle, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of Seamus’. I heard someone softly calling my name and I tore my eyes away and crawled toward the sound.

“Skye! Oh God, please tell me you’re okay.”

When I reached the edge of the cliff, I glanced over and spotted Trey struggling against his chains. “Trey!”

“Oh thank the good Lord,” Trey breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me. “You’re okay. Sugar, do me a favor and come get me out of these dreadful things.” I stared down at him and blinked a few times, still in shock. “Honey, there will be plenty of time to fall apart later. Hurry down here and get these damn chains off me. I’m in an awful lot of pain.”

Nodding my head, I crawled over the side and dropped the fifty feet down to the ledge, narrowly missing the edge. Trey was in terrible shape and I started crying as I took him in. He had blood on his face and shirt and I saw that he had been stabbed in the stomach. I grabbed the end of the sharp, pointed rock and quickly pulled it out of him. Trey gasped and bit his bottom lip in pain, but I didn’t stop. I rolled him over, looking for a lock to the chains and cringed when I saw his arms.

“Oh, honey.” His arms had been bent behind his back at funny angles and I knew they were broken. He had had enough time to heal, so I knew we would have to break them again when I got him free so he could heal properly.

“I’ll live,” he breathed. “Just get these chains off.”

I grabbed a hold of the lock and yelped in pain, immediately pulling my hand back. “Ouch!”

“Silver,” Trey groaned.

He had to have been in incredible pain being wrapped in those chains for at least the last twenty minutes. I took a deep breath and grabbed the lock again, pulling hard and breaking it off. I threw it off the cliff and turned my attention to unwrapping him, starting with his legs. Some areas were so bad that it actually took skin with it when I removed them. Trey did his best to stifle his cries, but no matter what I did, I hurt him.

When I reached his waist I set him up and continued pulling the chains off. He started crying when I reached his neck and as soon as he was free, I threw the chain over the ledge and looked down at my bloody, raw hands. They had started to heal but it was a little slower than I had expected.

“Come on,” I said, pulling Trey up by his elbow and then throwing him over my shoulder. “We have to get you out of here.”

I started climbing up the side of the cliff and marveled at how easy it was. As a human, there was no way in hell I’d have been able to vertically climb up a rock face, especially carrying someone on my back. When I reached the top, the sound of fighting was intense. I set Trey down on the edge and pulled myself the rest of the way up.

“There is a yellow truck in the parking lot. Get inside and lock the door,” I instructed as I pulled him up and gave him a little push in the direction of the stairs.

I didn’t wait around to see if he listened as I turned and ran toward the sounds of fighting. I came across two bodies and recognized them as two of An Dilis’ elite soldiers. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. If Amun was able to kill two of the Army’s best, what chance did I have against him?

A huge shadow passed over me and I jumped as I realized it was a body being thrown. The head was next and I jumped out of the way before it could hit me. I stared into those blue eyes as they passed me and I almost fainted. Oleif, the gigantic Viking pain in my ass, was no more.

I tore my eyes

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