Legacy (Blackwater Pack #3) - Hannah McBride Page 0,171

Damien in a challenge, but I could give you, and our packs, the best chance to beat him. That’s why I did this.”

He exhaled slowly and wrapped his arms around me, awkwardly pulling me across his lap. “Thanks, babe.”

I pressed my forehead to his and inhaled his scent. “We’re going to be okay. All of us.”

If I said it enough, put it out into the universe enough times, maybe it would be true.

Illinois was full of gray clouds as we landed close to sunset. We set down in a private airstrip near the western edge of the Windale pack’s borders.

Remy glanced out the window to my left and snorted. “Looks like we get the royal welcome.”

I spotted Griffin, and a few feet away from him were Damien and Trace. My eyes swept the crowd again and snagged on another familiar face.

“Is that—”

“Kace,” Remy finished for me.

The nightclub owner from when we had been at the Summit and Griffin’s long-time friend was far from home, but definitely a welcome sight. It helped knowing someone else had our backs.

“Quite the welcome,” Nikolai commented from the row ahead of us. The calmness in his tone belied the ice in his gaze as he surveyed the crowd awaiting us.

There were several dozen men, and only men, waiting for us to get off the airplane. I had a strong inkling that most of them weren’t from Windale, either.

“Remember what we talked about,” Remy said softly, turning to me. “Stay with me no matter what.”

I nodded mutely, getting up as he did. I followed him down the aisle, smiling at my friends. I flinched when I saw how pale and anxious Larkin was, Rhodes’s arm wrapped possessively around her thin shoulders.

Remy had intentionally kept the amount of women on this flight small after it became clear from the phone call that Damien was interested in us. Besides Larkin and I, Katy and Tate had been the only other girls who joined us.

Well, and Lulu.

My eyes moved to the elemental sitting beside Dimitri. Her gray eyes glimmered as she gave me a slow, confident nod.

Mom had wanted to come, to be with me, but surprisingly it was Nikolai who finally convinced her to stay behind with Natasha. Dante and Ryder had insisted Tate come. The idea of not having her close at hand made them anxious.

Knowing Maren would be here, Remy hadn’t hesitated to include Katy. When he won, and Maren was back, she would need Katy and Tate.

We were the first ones off the plane, but Remy didn’t start walking towards the others until most of our group had gotten off the plane.

We managed to fill the plane with people we knew had our back. The only missing person was Alexei. Nikolai had suggested we send Dimitri’s beta with the army we had sent earlier. Most of the men were from the Narodnaya and a few neighboring packs and would know Alexei, or be willing to follow him.

My eyes scanned the area, wondering how close they were. The men had landed in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois via commercial flights earlier in the day. Most would have made the drive here by now and should be nearby.

“Welcome to Windale,” Damien greeted loudly as we approached, spreading his arms wide like he was the Alpha here.

Griffin’s teeth clenched, but he stayed silent.

Remy only gave Damien a short nod before turning to Griffin and extending a hand. “Thanks for having us.”

“Nothing else I’d rather do,” Griffin replied, his voice thick with sarcasm. He gave me a nod. “Skye.”

“Hey, Griffin,” I said softly, keeping close to Remy as promised.

“Good to see you both again,” Kace said from behind Griffin.

I flashed him a fast smile that quickly vanished when I saw the people approaching from the right.

Damien pushed his way towards us, Trace following like a snarling puppy at his heels. His cold stare scoured our group, likely looking for Larkin. I glanced over my shoulder, glad to see she was tucked safely behind Rhodes and Ryder.

I felt Remy tense beside me as Damien came to a stop in front of us. Judging by the way Remy’s hand was twitching, he was fighting the urge to pull me behind him and out of Damien’s reach.

The older man studied me, but his gaze was less lecherous than I’d expected. He watched me more with fascination than anything else.

“We never had much of a chance to meet at the Summit,” he said, speaking only to me. “Damien Valois.”

“Skye,” I replied coolly, and then

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