Legacy (Blackwater Pack #3) - Hannah McBride Page 0,170

was a whole new level of mortification for me the first time Remy literally carried me to the toilet, I hadn’t left this bed in almost two days. I was over being an invalid.

I was really over the way Remy was acting.

The borderline terrified, ragged look in Remy’s eyes when I woke up would haunt me for years to come. But once I had woken up, and he knew I was okay, he’d started staying away.

And that didn’t work for me.

Just like staying in this bed while everyone else prepared for us to leave wasn’t working for me.

His eyes flashed as he glared at me. “Just … stay where I know you’re safe, okay? I have to handle a few more things before we leave for the airstrip.”

I pushed myself up higher. “Hold on, okay? Can you just talk to me for a second?”

His jaw clenched and he glanced at the door, almost … annoyed?

“Did I do something wrong here?” I asked helplessly. Last I checked, our plan had worked.

He sighed and tipped his head back, his throat working. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” I pressed, my frustration turning to worry.

“What do you want me to say, Skye? That I wasn’t scared as hell when you were unconscious? That it didn’t feel like I was back in that infirmary room at school, wondering if you would wake up?”

I twisted my hands together on my lap as he started pacing again.

Well, shit.

I hadn’t expected him to say that.

“That I spent more time worrying about you than focusing on a challenge that I’m not sure I can win?” He spun and faced me, and I could see the fear in his eyes. “A challenge that I bet your life and Larkin’s on? Not to mention Griffin and his pack.”

I held out a hand.

He sighed again, warily eyeing my hand.

“Either you come here, or I’m getting up to come to you.” I wasn’t above threatening my somewhat volatile mate in the middle of his outburst. “Your rules, remember? We talk shit out. We don’t walk away, and that’s exactly what you’ve been doing.”

That made him move. He joined me on his bed, this time his thigh brushing against mine.

“You’re right,” he said after a second. “I’m sorry.”

I grabbed one of his large hands with both of my smaller ones. “I’m here and I’m safe. I’m fine.”

His nostrils flared as he went to object.

“Okay, I’m a little more tired than usual,” I acquiesced. “But I need you to stop focusing on me and focus on you, Rem. The only way I’m not going to be okay is if you lose.”

He dipped his head and leaned forward, resting his forehead on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around the wide expanse of his back. I felt his body shudder as I hugged him.

“I need you to focus on winning, Remy,” I whispered, stroking my hand along his spine. “Not just for me or Larkin, but for all of us. Damien can’t win.”

“I went to see my dad last night,” he admitted, pulling back.

My heart pinched with guilt. I hadn’t seen Gabe since I’d been home. Not that there had been much time. I’d spoken with him on the phone a few times when Remy had called to check on him, but I hadn’t physically gone to the med center in town.

“How is he?” I asked, my hand running down his arm.

“Good,” Remy replied, “but not totally back to normal. The doctor thinks in another week or two he’ll be himself again.”

“That’s good news,” I said brightly.

He nodded. “Yeah, but if I lose, Damien’s first move will be to take him out. Dad at full strength would be the person who could stop him.”

“You can stop him,” I countered fiercely. “Don’t underestimate yourself, Remy. You can do this.”

“It’s not going to be like Lodge or Cassian,” Remy told me softly, reluctantly. “Damien’s strong and smart.”

“So are you.”

A tiny smile found his mouth, turning the corners up.

“But Damien’s a snake. His people are with him because they’re either like him or too scared to stand up to him.” I splayed a hand on Remy’s chest where his heart beat. “I spent my life being beaten down by men like Damien Valois.”

His eyes flashed.

“You’re not that guy, Rem. You’ll never be like them, and that’s why you have an edge. All the people behind you are there because they believe in you. Because they want to be there, including me. I might not be able to take

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