Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,64

all brain functioning. This helpless feeling seeps into me, more painful than a dull blade stabbing into my ribcage.

The air wheezes out of me on a strangled groan. I’m ashamed to admit that my legs remain rooted to the ground for several precious seconds. Fangs of fear puncture every part of me—ruthless and unrelenting. That paralyzing sensation is greater than any trauma the past five years have granted. A shattering wail cracks through my trance, jump-starting my system into action mode.

With a deafening splash, I join her in the river. The bite of cold doesn’t faze me. My sole focus is Blakely’s flailing figure. I fight against the current that’s desperate to tame me while viciously tugging at my clothes. The beast roaring inside will show no mercy. I tear through the rapids, possessed and set on one target. She’s hoisted within the security of my clutches moments later. Even soaking wet, her weight is barely noticeable against the adrenaline pumping within me.

Blakely sputters and coughs in my hold. The sight of her plump lips tinged with purple is worse than a ton of bricks landing in my gut. I touch my forehead to hers, a cool pinch seeping into me on contact. “I got you, Lee. You’re okay.”

Her only response is a pitiful groan.

“You’ll be warm soon, sweetheart. Just stay with me.”

I scan our surroundings for any semblance of cover. A jagged overhang snags my gaze and I start running. A surge propels me onward at blurring speed. I stumble over a gnarled log and Blakely scrambles in my arms with a whimper. On sheer instinct, I tighten my grip while sprinting faster. My pulse races faster with each pounding footfall.

When the divot of a cavern comes into view, I almost crash to my knees again. That slight alcove will provide a bit of wind resistance. The carved shape is narrow and short, but any hollow shell is better than being unprotected in the elements in our present condition. I dash inside the shadowed space and kneel in the loose dirt. The soil seems soft enough to cushion her, all things considered, but she’ll need far more padding. Our sleeping bag and tarp are still by the river. I settle her on the ground while considering the distance, but she makes my choice easy by latching onto my forearms. Those luxuries will have to wait. I want her to be comfortable, but that seems impossible while she’s dripping with fringes of frost. The risk of hypothermia hovers too close over her shivering form.

Blakely curls into a ball against my legs, vibrating with the chill plaguing her. Dark hair is plastered to her blue-tinged complexion. That stark contrast sends another burst of pressure through me. I rip at my clothes like the fabric is on fire. Any wet portions get flipped inside out so those sections aren’t wasted. She needs all of the available scraps I can offer.

Once my layers are stripped off, I begin tugging at hers. The soggy material slips in my hasty movements. I exhale through flared nostrils and force myself to slow the sloppy urgency barreling into me. Once she’s free of those clinging barriers, I gather her against my dry torso. I hiss at the instant snap of cold stealing my warmth as she burrows into me. Any semblance of a surface ache pales in comparison to what she’s dealing with. After slinging my coat and two shirts around her exposed backside, I seal our bare front halves in seamless fusion. Almost as an afterthought, my ski pants and jeans get draped over the top of us for extra insulation.

I scour her for further injury, but my vision is consumed with red. Blakely’s flesh is pebbled with goosebumps in a ruby hue. I rub her blotchy skin with vigor. She moans and struggles against my aggressive efforts.

“You need to warm up. Don’t fight me, Lee.”

Icy fingers dig into the bulk of my shoulder and pull me into her trembling body. She tries to tell me something, but her words are a jumble. Her teeth are chattering hard enough to steal intelligible speech.

“Shh, you’re okay. This is good heat, I promise.” I press my lips to her damp cheek. Every inch of her is cool and clammy, tinged with the worst shade of blue I’ve ever seen. She’s clinging to me with a desperation I feel drilling into my bones. She has to be all right. I can’t lose her. Not when I finally have her

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