Left for Wild - Harloe Rae Page 0,63

I grip a handful of his coat and pull. Our mouths meet with a gentle caress. He groans into our tender embrace, sliding his tongue out to drift along mine. I nibble his bottom lip and tug the plump flesh between my teeth. When Halder bends to seal us tighter, the boat tips under our shifting weight. I collapse against him with a squeak and a giggle.

“That was perfect,” I hum.

Halder drops a parting peck on my lips. “I can get on board with all of your ideas if they involve more of that.”

“You’ve got a deal.” I ghost my nose along the bridge of his.

He offers me a hand off our rickety ride. After scooping up our belongings, he passes me a protein bar. “To tide you over until we can find trout.”

I accept the flavorless brick with a smile. “Thanks.”

We walk upstream while chewing on our lunch. I sidestep a drift of snow and swallow a dry bite. Halder places a palm against the base of my spine, giving silent support that spreads warmth through me.

His feet slow to a stop. “Hey, look at that.”

I follow his pointer finger to the area of flat rocks rising from the rippling tides. “See? We’re keeping Mother Nature in our good graces by following rituals.” I’m stretching further than the splits, but Halder doesn’t need to know that.

“If that’s what you believe and it helps our journey, I’ll be a willing follower.”

I study the makeshift bridge again. “Can we get across there?”

His gaze doesn’t shift from the stones. “It’s worth a try. Should I go first, boss?”

“Does it make me a coward if I agree to that?”

“Nah, I’d never be able to send you across without ensuring it’s stable. I’m the official crash dummy, right?”

I frown at that title. “We could go at the same time.”

“As in me carrying you?” His green eyes sparkle under the overhead sun.

“Oh, no. Not that again. I’ll stand back and watch.”

And I do just that as he steps onto a black slab only halfway visible. The breath stills in my lungs as I hang in the balance. My pulse flutters a rapid beat, increasing in pace the wider our separation extends. Any concern coursing through my veins is unwarranted. Halder makes the hazardous voyage look easier than a lazy stroll.

Once his heels stomp onto the opposite side, he turns to me with a bow. “Easy as that.”

I snort, expelling a cloud of steam. “Apparently.”

“Just tread carefully. I’ll be here to catch you.”

Gurgles draw my gaze downward. The cascade spills over every surface, ebbing away only to reappear a second later. “Let’s hope that won’t be necessary.”

The initial leap has my nerves ricocheting. I extend my arms for stability that doesn’t delve below the surface. The rubber of my soles allows for a grip, but I’m still moving at the speed of a snail. Patience and determination wins the race, right? A relaxing haze descends around my shoulders as I hit the midway mark. I glance up to find Halder smirking at me. Usually concentrating on him is a glorious diversion for the mess enveloping me. At this moment, it costs me dearly. My boot slips with the next step. I pinwheel, my limbs spinning faster than a turbine. The attempts of remaining upright are futile. A shriek rips from my throat as I tumble into the flooding rapids.

“Blakely!” His bellow follows me as the chilling water sweeps over me.

I choke on a mouthful of what resembles broken glass as the current slams into my chest. Shards of blistering agony stab into my flesh as I struggle against the plunge. Each prick of those needles has me gasping. This is no gentle pull teasing me. The river is a furious stream, setting its rebellion on those daring to tempt fate. I’m drenched within seconds, doused in the damn ice bath I very specifically didn’t request, and my winter wear becomes a weighted suit.

A piercing scream blasts out of me before I’m dragged under again. Numbing tendrils twirl around my limbs and leave me paralyzed with shock. Remaining frozen will only assist the chill in burrowing deeper, but this battle isn’t mine to win.

Survival tip #21: A buoy can always come in handy. The purposes are endless.

I’ll never forget the splattering crash of Blakely’s body hitting the water. All noise is sucked into a vacuum as she screeches from the impact. Watching the woman responsible for restoring my beating heart thrash in the river is detrimental to

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