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Not only because he knows I’d cut him off permanently, but also because he’s gotten to know you over the last year. He knows the type of person you are and doesn’t believe for a second you’d cheat on Enzo and pawn another man’s baby off on him.”

I hate the thought of James and Enzo’s friendship being affected by all of this, but I can’t help the relief I feel knowing my best friend’s husband believes me.

“He has the same mindset as Allison. That Enzo’s confused and will realize what a mistake he made. I personally believe even if he does, you need to think long and hard if you want to forgive him. He’s broken your trust and accused you of something horrible.”

A few minutes later, I’m in my car still sitting in the parking lot. My arms are heavy, and I feel drained and exhausted. I’m telling you, being pregnant can really wipe a person out. Of course, it could also be the stress over the last few days.

I think on Juliet’s comment. I know I told Enzo I’d be here, waiting, when he realizes his mistake, but what will I actually do if he does come to apologize? Would I simply accept it and move on? Could I ever trust him again? What would happen the next time he has doubts about our relationship? Even if he does come to me and admits he’s wrong, it doesn’t mean he’ll want to continue our relationship. Hell, he might not want anything to do with his baby, although I don’t truly think that would be the case. I can’t imagine Enzo abandoning his child, but then again, I never thought he would accuse me of the things he has.

My eyes drop to my still flat stomach, and I rest my hands over the spot where she’s tucked protectively inside me.

“It’s okay, baby,” I whisper. “No matter what, I’ll always love you and take care of you. You’ll never have to worry about losing me.”

Tears slide down my cheeks and drip on my hands.

Chapter Twenty


I stumble out of Dr. Whitaker’s office and lean against the wall beside the door. The paper he handed me a few minutes ago crinkles in my hand when I ball it into a fist. Confusion, anger, and regret war for dominance in my head.

How could I have been so fucking stupid? Alaina’s not capable of cheating. And she sure as shit isn’t capable of lying about the father of her child. Rationally, I knew this. Even when I was in her living room accusing her of just that, I knew I had to be wrong.

What the hell is wrong with me? Am I so fucked up over what Karen did that I sabotaged one of the best things I’ve ever had?

I cringe and fight the need to smash my face into the brick wall behind me for the shit I said to Alaina. Sure, I may have had good reason to doubt her, but I should have given her a chance. I should have spoken with my doctor and been tested before I went off the rails. What she and I shared wasn’t something many people find. Or it wasn’t until I fucked it all up.

I gnash my teeth together and jerk away from the wall. I love Alaina, more than I thought possible, and now I’m not sure she’d throw water on my ass if I was on fire.

On the way to my car, I yank out my phone, find her name, and press Send. There’s no answer, not that I really expected her to answer. I’m sure I’m the last person she wants to talk to.

I shoot off a text message.

Me: I fucked up. Where are you? We need to talk. If you’re at home, please don’t leave. I’m on my way there.

Pocketing my phone, I get behind the wheel and take off out of the parking lot. The urge to see Alaina grows with each mile I take. Unfortunately, my doctor moved his practice to the next town over, which puts me forty-five minutes away from Park Crest. I grip the steering wheel and press down on the gas.

As I race along the highway, the truth slams into me. Holy shit. I’m going to be a father. When I had the vasectomy, it wasn’t because I never wanted kids. The truth was, and still is, I do want them. I just didn’t want to be forced into having them with a woman

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