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won’t march back there and do major damage to Heidi’s face.

“That was her, wasn’t it?” Juliet asks once I stand up. I nod. “You should have let me at her. Say the word and I’ll go back over there and show her exactly why you don’t fuck with my best friend.” She shoots her eyes to the door, like she’s contemplating going anyway, before looking at me. “Seriously, Alaina. I’d love nothing more than to jack that bitch’s shit up.”

As tempting as it is, Heidi isn’t worth the trouble something like that would cause.

“As great as that sounds and would have been even greater to see, I don’t think James would like me very much afterward. Just leave it alone.”

“Screw James. You’re my best friend. That cunt in there messed with the wrong person.”

Cunt isn’t a word Juliet uses often—she actually claims it’s vile—so for her to use it now, I know she’s pissed.

I grab her hand again. “Come on. I just want to get out of here.”

Reluctantly, she falls into step beside me and we head for the small lot where our cars are parked around the corner. “What did she say to you?”

Lead forms in my stomach when I hear Heidi’s voice taunting me in my head. “Apparently, she bought lingerie to seduce Enzo,” I admit quietly.

“I swear, if I find out he’s laid one finger on her, I’m going to chop off his balls and feed them to Griffin.”

Griffin is the oldest living lion at the Park Crest Zoo. He’s twenty-five years old and has become quite famous with the locals.

Coming to a stop at my car, I face my best friend. “You’ll do no such thing. Enzo is free to be with whoever he wants.”

“You give him too much credit, Alaina.”

I shrug. “Maybe, maybe not. I just want to move past it. I’ve got more than myself to worry about now. If he refuses to acknowledge this baby, then that’s on him.”

“You’re stronger than I am,” she says, pulling me into a hug. When she steps back, she brushes my hair away from my face like a mother would. “I would have neutered James if he pulled what Enzo did.”

“You say that, but I don’t think it’s true.” I place my hand protectively over my stomach. “You see things differently when you’re carrying a small human being inside you. Sure, I want to rail and scream, maybe even slash his tires, and beat the shit out of him for not believing in me. In us. But there’s not one good thing that would come from that.” My eyes sting, but I blink before the tears fall. “I just wish I could forget him,” I whisper, my voice cracking.

“Oh, honey.” She pulls me forward for another hug. “If only things were that easy.”

We hold our embrace for several moments, my head resting on her shoulder, soaking up the comfort she’s offering. I love Juliet like a sister, but I’d give almost anything to have my mom right now. Laurie, my step-mom is great, but it’s not the same.

“Are you going to be okay?”

I nod and wipe away the few stray tears that have fallen and smile as best as I can. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”

Her eyes bounce between mine. “Promise you’ll call if you need me.”

“I will.”

She kisses my cheek and goes to turn for her own car, but I grab her hand. She looks at me in question. My eyes drop to my feet before I gather my nerve.

“Has, uhh….” I stop and clear my throat. “Has James spoken to Enzo?”

“He’s tried calling him a few times, but there’s been no answer. He thinks he’s avoiding him because of our friendship.”

“So, he hasn’t stopped by or anything? James hasn’t seen him?”

Her lips press together. “That man is not allowed in my house. James knows this. I can’t stop James from seeing him, but he damn sure knows not to bring him home,” she states stubbornly.

I don’t attempt to cool her temper or tell her she shouldn’t restrict Enzo coming around. I don’t think what she’s doing is right, but I know if the situation were reversed, I’d do the same.

“What does James think about everything?”

If I’m honest with myself, I’ve avoided going to her house, because I don’t want to face her husband. He’s a good guy, but guys tend to stick together. It would be devastating to find out James blamed me.

Juliet’s expression softens. “James knows you would never do what Enzo accused you of.

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