Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,63

leaving them without a guaranteed replacement.”

“You don’t think the guys resent you, do you? For leaving.”

“Nah. They all knew I’d be leaving. It was just a matter of time.” I move the sponge to her stomach.

“What about the other guy? Trey? Has he made a decision yet?”

“Not yet, but I think he’s going to retire. He loves performing, but his family means too much to him. It’s been difficult for him leaving them so much. He has about four months to make a decision. The next tour is in six.”

She rubs her foot up and down my calf. “Is writing songs the only thing you plan to do from now on? Or is there something else you want to do?”

“I really enjoy writing the songs. Besides playing the guitar, it’s what I’m good at. But I’ve been playing with the idea of opening my own recording studio.”

Turning her head to look up at me, she smiles. “You should. I’m sure you pretty much know all of the ins and outs by now.”

“The only problem is, I’ll lose my position with Phenix as the song writer. Max and Bennett have been really good to the band. They took a huge risk when they signed us. I know the guys will want to follow me, but I don’t want to pull them away from Tanner Down, but then again, I don’t want to give up writing their music either.”

“Have you talked to Max or Bennett?”

I sigh. “No, and I’m not sure I should. I need to figure out if opening my own studio is something I really want to do.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. It’ll just take time.”


Grabbing some bubbles in her hands and lifting them to her face, she blows out a steady breath, letting the bubbles fall back to the water.

“You know what I’ll miss?”

Leaning my head forward, I press a kiss to her ear. “What will you miss?”

“Being able to see you sing in person. You were beyond amazing singing at Juliet and James’ wedding, but I would have loved seeing you in your element with the entire band.”

“Well….” I draw the word out. “You’re in luck. I got a call from Grayson yesterday asking if me and the guys could come do a few songs next month at Hooligan’s, the bar in Sunnyville, for Sidney’s birthday.”

“And you said yes?” Her eyes spark with interest.

“Of course. I haven’t confirmed it with the guys yet, but I know they’ll be down. We were actually talking the other day about missing doing little shows like that.”

“This is great!” she exclaims excitedly. “So, I will get to see you play with the guys. And this is better because I won’t have to deal with thousands of adoring fans.”

I kiss the smile on her lips.

“I also want to take the opportunity to talk with Grady’s wife, Dylan. You remember she’s also a song writer?” She nods. “I’ve talked to Grady and based on what he said, she seems to be pretty satisfied with the label she’s with, so it’s a long shot, but I want to see if it’s possible to tempt her to come work with me once her contract is up. That is if I decide to move forward with my own record label.”

“That’d be a big risk on her end,” she says thoughtfully.

“It would. That’s why I would offer her a percentage of the company.”

“Wow. I would say that’s a huge risk on your part, but I remember the songs she wrote for Jett. She’s good. Really good, in fact.”

I dip my head. “That’s why I’d want her to come on board.”

She wiggles her ass back against me. “Well, I think it’s a great idea.”

I nuzzle my face in her neck. “Wanna know what else I think is a good idea?” I murmur, sucking a piece of skin into my mouth.

She moans and tilts her head to the side. “I think I can guess.”

“Turn around, baby, and ride my cock.”

The water sloshes over the edge of the bathtub, soaking the floor, as Alaina shimmies around and straddles my lap. Resting my head against the wall, I help guide her down over my rigid shaft. With my eyelids half-closed, I watch as she lazily uses my body to fuck herself.

As many times as we’ve had sex since we’ve started seeing each other, you’d think our sex drive would have dwindled some. But it’s just the opposite. No matter how much I try to sate the lust I feel for this

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