Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,62

Nikki pipes in, lifting her eyes from her phone and wrinkling her nose. “How can you stand that shit?”

“Hey! Ain’t nothing wrong with eating a little fish with some pizza.”

James mimics coughing in his hand as he says, “Bullshit.”

“Sorry, Alaina, but fish should never be on pizza.” Juliet pretends to gag.

I have to admit, when she gave me her pizza choice, even my stomach rebelled against it.

“Fine. More for me.”

“Isn’t this like your sixth slice tonight?” Juliet asks.

“So?” She walks into the kitchen, looking over her shoulder. “I’m hungry and it’s good.”

She comes back a few minutes later with a paper plate in one hand and two beers in her other. I take the contents from her and put them down on the table. Before she can retake her seat, I haul her into my lap, planting a smacking kiss on her lips. It lasts only a second, but my dick’s already twitching in my jeans.

I fucking love the smile she gives me as she gets up and takes her seat.

“This is the last game for the night,” I announce.

“Already choosing hoes before bros.” Hudson sucks his teeth and shakes his head.

“James,” Alaina calls, leaning her elbows on the table, her voice sugary sweet. “Sock Hudson for me, would you?”

“With pleasure.”

Hudson has no time to brace before James lands a solid punch to his bicep.

He winces and rubs the spot. “Fuck, man. That stung.”

“It was a hell of a lot tamer than I would have done. Be lucky he was the one closest to you and not me,” I say without looking at him. I drop a card in the pile and grab another.

“Shit, I was only joking,” he grumbles, still babying his sore arm.

We finish our round—Alaina stomping our asses again—and everyone gets up from the table to clean away their shit.

“My house in two weeks. I’ll provide the steaks, someone else brings the beer,” Hudson declares, pulling his keys from his pocket and tossing the ring around his finger. He looks over at Nikki, anticipation dancing in his eyes. “You ready?”

Her lips are a firm line when she gives him a tight nod. I almost feel sorry for the girl. Her car’s in the shop getting new tires, so when she asked for a ride tonight, Hudson jumped at the chance to have her alone for a while. Of course, one of us could have insisted we give her a ride, but we’ve felt the tension between the two for months. Maybe this will give them the chance to get through whatever shit is between them.

Alaina hugs both girls goodbye—why do women feel the need to hug each other as if it’ll be months before they see one another again, when in reality, it’ll only be days—and both couples leave.

As soon as the door is closed, I turn and face Alaina. She has her back to me as she puts the Monopoly money back in the baggie and gathers the cards. I stalk up behind her, pressing my hips against hers, letting her feel my hardening cock.

“Leave that for now,” I say huskily in her ear. “I’ve thought of nothing for the last hour except you naked and spread out on that table.”

She answers with a moan and reaches back to thread her fingers through my hair, tugging my lips to her neck.

“Have you now?”


“What if I’ve thought about nothing else except being on my knees before you?”

The visual she gives me has a guttural groan leaving my lips. I drop my forehead to the back of her neck and inhale a deep breath. “You really know how to kill a guy, don’t you?”

She giggles then spins around in my arms. “Torturing you is so much fun.”

After pressing a kiss to the side of my neck, she slowly drops to her knees, and proceeds to do just that.

Lifting the sponge, I squeeze the sudsy water over Alaina’s breasts and watch it slide smoothly over her puckered nipples and creamy flesh. Dipping it back in the water, this time I set the sponge at the hollow of her throat and begin washing her.

“You told Juliet earlier that you were good with leaving the band,” she comments, holding her arm out for me to wash. “You’re not jealous at all about the new guy taking your place?”

“Hell no,” I grunt. “My life as a performer is over. I’m just grateful the guys have someone as good as him to replace me. That’s what weighed on me the most. I hated

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