Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,45

I’ll stick around for a bit.”

One side of his mouth perks up and his muscles relax. He dips down and presses a kiss against my lips.

“You guys are just so cute together.” Allison’s sigh has me pulling back.

Looking over her shoulder, my good mood plummets when Heidi strolls out from the hallway. Her gaze instantly moves to Enzo and the blatant heat that washes over her face has irritation spiking inside me. How the hell can Enzo not see it? And why am I letting it get to me? Enzo is with me, not her. She’s had years to make her play. It’s not my fault she hasn’t made a move.

The look falls when Allison turns and spots her friend.

“You met Enzo’s new girlfriend yesterday, right?” A flutter forms in my belly at her use of the word girlfriend. “Don’t they look perfect together?”

I have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the forced smile on her face. Had I not known the secret interest she has for Enzo, I would have missed the sour look. The woman is good at hiding it from Enzo and Allison, but I’ve got her number. I wrap my arm around my man’s waist and rest a hand on his lower stomach.

Eat it, bitch.

“They sure do,” Heidi says, and I wonder how bitter the words taste coming out of her mouth.

“Anyway,” Allison continues, “I wanted to stop by because something told me you would be here, Alaina.” She winks. “I’m a nurse at the hospital. They called me in yesterday because a couple of the other nurses were off with the flu, so I had to leave the reception before I got the chance to meet you. I wanted to see if you were free to do lunch sometime.”

“Oh! Umm…. Sure. I’d like that.”

She claps her hands. “Perfect!” Grabbing her purse from the couch, she digs inside and pulls out her phone. Her fingers fly across the screen. “Give me your number and I’ll shoot you a message to figure out a good time for both of us.”

I recite my number and a moment later, my purse on the small table by the door chirps.

“That’s me, so you have my number as well.” She tosses her phone back in her purse and pulls the strap over her shoulder. “We’re gonna head out.” I unconsciously stiffen when she steps up to me and wraps me in a hug. Before I can awkwardly hug her back, she releases me. “It was so good meeting you, Alaina. Please don’t let my big brother scare you off. I promise he’s a good guy.”

Enzo lets out an aggrieved sigh. “You make me sound like a complete asshole.”

Instead of commenting, she moves to him next. “Love you.” Going to her toes, she kisses his cheek then whispers something in his ear too low for me to hear. He grunts in answer.

While Enzo walks the two women to the door, Heidi inconspicuously shoots me a glacial glare over her shoulder. She’s not the only one who can be bitchy. I smile prettily and give her a finger wave.

“It was nice seeing you again, Heidi.”

I get no response before Enzo closes the door and turns his back to it.

“Well, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” I remark, opting to leave out the hate-filled glances from Heidi.

“Told you she would love you.” He advances forward, only stopping when he’s directly in front of me.

“I like her.”

He grins. “She’s a great sister when she’s not being a pain in my ass.”

“I’ll be sure to tell her that when we have lunch.”

“Women.” He shakes his head. “Always sticking together, huh?”

“You know it.”

He presses his hips against mine, and already he’s getting hard. “Now, where were we before my sister showed up?”

I look down to where our bodies are pressed together, then drag my eyes back up to his. Tucking my fingers into the waistband of his sweats, I give him a saucy smirk. “You were getting ready to try and convince me to spend the day with you.”

“Ahh… that’s right. I remember now.” His hands slip around my waist to my back and he dips them underneath my shirt, traveling up my sides until his thumbs stop at the bottom swell of my breasts. My eyes go heavy-lidded, anticipation making my heart pound. “I plan to spend a lot of time convincing you. Slowly and—”

His words are cut off by a deep rumbling sound. We both drop our eyes

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