Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,44

pecks my lips and drops the towel. I momentarily forget the situation I’m in as my attention is ensnared by the fantastic sight before me. I’m brought back to the moment when he slides a pair of sweatpants over his hips and his dick disappears from view.

“There is no way I’m going out there to meet her, Enzo.”

“Sure, you are.” He pulls a gray shirt over his head and tugs it down. “She was disappointed she didn’t get to meet you last night before she had to leave the reception.”

“I have no clothes here except for my dress, and I’m not going out there in only your shirt.”

“I’ll leave you a pair of sweats on my bed.” After another brief kiss, he grabs the door handle. “I’ll take her downstairs. See you in a few.”

Before I can further protest, he shoots me another grin and slips out the door, closing it behind him.

I huff and spin around to face the mirror. Maddening man. No woman wants to meet the little sister of the man she’s sleeping with in his shirt and sweatpants. Not to mention with wild sex hair and smeared make-up. I cringe at my reflection in the mirror.

If I didn’t think he’d eventually drag my ass from the bathroom, I’d stay in here until she left. A look to my right provides me a window. If we weren’t on the second floor, I’d shimmy through the window—after I don his sweatpants, of course.

With an unladylike growl, I jerkily turn on the faucet and snatch up the toothbrush on the counter. So fucking what if it’s Enzo’s and he may not like me using it. If I’m forced to get over meeting his sister looking like a personified hoe doing the walk of shame, then he can get over me using his toothbrush.

Once that’s done, I go in search of a washcloth to clean away the clown effect on my face, then dig through the drawers until I find a rubber band. Rubber bands are killer on the hair, but it’s the only thing I have to use, and I refuse to go out looking like I’ve stuck my finger in an electrical socket.

With no way of making myself more presentable, I grumble as I crack open the door. A peek through the crack shows me the room’s empty. Spotting a pair of sweatpants on the end of the bed, I rush over and pull them on, then roll my eyes when the hems of the legs are about a foot too long. I pull the waist away from my stomach and there’s at least a couple of inches of gap.

Ugh! I can’t believe he’s making me do this!

I roll the waist band several times until they precariously stay on my hips. So long as I don’t move too fast or jump, I won’t flash anyone my lady bits.

Like a deer wary of nearby prey, I pull the door open slowly and peer into the hallway. Hearing voices drifting up from downstairs, I pull up my big girl panties, go to the stairs, and descend them. I find Enzo with his back toward me and the same young woman I saw at the edge of the dance floor last night watching Enzo and me dancing. Her eyes alight on me over his shoulder and her lips form a big smile. Enzo turns around, wearing the exact same smile.

I shuffle over to them, and his arm immediately wraps around my waist, tugging me to his side.

“’Bout time you got down here.”

I shoot him a glare before turning to his sister and offering my own smile.

“Hi,” she says, holding out her hand. I’m surprised at the lyrical tone to her voice. “I’m Allison, and you must be Alaina.”

I settle my hand in hers. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Her gaze moves to her brother’s before coming back to me, mischievousness lighting her eyes. “Enzo’s mentioned you a few times over the last week or so. I’m glad he’s found a woman who he wants to keep around for more than one night.”

“Seriously, Allison? Do you want to scare her away?”

She laughs, the sound light and jovial. “Oh, if she were to leave, it wouldn’t be because of anything I said.”

I can’t help it; I laugh right along with her. I like this girl already.

Feeling the tightening of Enzo’s stomach muscles against my side, I decide to take pity on him. Patting his hard abs, I look up at him. “I think

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