Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,4

go to the men’s room, hoping she would be gone by the time I returned. Unfortunately, you were gone, too. I happened to see you slip down the hallway, so I followed.”

She chews on her bottom lip, sending a shot of lust straight to my groin. I make a silent vow to myself that by the end of the night, I’ll be the one biting that lip.

As she thinks over my words, I decide to give her a little push in my direction. Propping a hand on the wall beside her head, I lean down so our lips are only inches apart.

“What’s your name?” My voice rumbles quietly.

Her brows shoot together and her eyes dart away. Her look is a dead giveaway that she’s quickly coming up with a fake name.


My lips quirk up. She chose wisely. The name suits her. Innocent, but naughty.

“I’ll make it worth it, Eve.”

“Mighty sure of yourself, aren’t you…?” she asks, leaving the sentence open.

“Taylor,” I supply, taking a number out of her book and giving her my own fake name. “And I’ve never had any complaints before.”

She puts her hand on my chest and toys with the top button, like she’s contemplating undoing it.

“Maybe I’ll be the first.” She smirks.

I dip closer, feeling the heat from her lips on mine. It drives me wild. “Doubtful.”

“So, what exactly are we talking about here?”

“You tell me.” I grab a loose piece of her hair and trail the end over her neck. Her eyelids lower. “What do you want?”

She leans her head back against the wall. “One night only.”

Disappointment hits, which is confusing as hell. I never want more than a single night. I’m usually itching to leave before the night’s even over. Something tells me it’ll be different with this woman.

“One night only. No strings. Anything goes,” I suggest.

She mulls it over before she dips her chin. “Deal.”

“Not good enough. This needs to be sealed with more than words.”

Before she can say anything more, I lower my head. The instant my lips touch hers, I know this is going to be a long and enjoyable night. I’ll make damn sure it is.

Her mouth opens immediately to meet my probing tongue. She tastes delicious. Like some kind of exotic fruit.

Laying my forearm flat on the wall, I press my chest into hers. Her small moan and the bite of her nails digging into my pecs goes straight to my dick. When she tilts her hips up and pushes her mound against me, I have to fight back the urge to yank her skirt up, tear away her panties, and shove inside her.

Sweet mercy, I’ve barely touched the woman and she’s already driving me mad.

The bathroom door beside us slings open and a feminine voice mutters “Get a room”, causing us to break apart. I lean back, but only by a few inches, and look down at Eve.

“My place or yours?” I ask huskily.

I thank Christ when she says “Mine”. I’ve only been back in town since yesterday and haven’t had the chance to air the place out after being gone for so long. The only thing fresh I have at the moment are my bedsheets, and that’s only because my sister, Allison, stopped by and dropped them off for me.

Grabbing her hand, I pull her behind me down the hallway, impatient to get the hell out of here and have her alone. I come to a stop when she tugs at my hand.

“I need to tell my friend I’m leaving.”

Without waiting for a reply, she releases my hand and walks off toward the pool tables. I watch as she walks up to the girl she was talking to at the bar. She leans in, whispers something in the girl’s ear, and they both look at me. A smile slowly slides across her friend’s face and she gives me one of those finger waves. I lift my chin up in greeting.

They both kiss each other’s cheek before Eve heads my way.

With her hand tight in mine, I make a beeline for the door. I’m tense, my body buzzing with anticipation. I may have had my fair share of women, but over the last two years I’ve slowed down a lot. This last year, I’ve only had a couple in my bed. Having any woman I want drop their panties any time without having to ask gets old. I’ve grown to be more selective. Constantly being used because of my name lost its appeal a long time ago. I

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