Lead Player - Alex Grayson Page 0,3

find him in his spot. I guess he decided to take the bimbo home.

Oh, well. His loss.

Rowdy laughter has my eyes jerking to one of the pool tables. Three guys, about my and Nikki’s age, are drinking and playing a round of pool. A blond, a brunette, and a redhead.

I quietly snort to myself when I realize my thoughts are the beginning of a bad joke. Except this time, it would be men as the brunt of the joke instead of women.

I take each man in and decide the brunette is the most appealing. I’m not shallow and only take a man’s looks into consideration. It’s just in settings like this, looks are the first thing a person notices. My lady bits haven’t had action since my three-year relationship with Terry ended a year ago. I’m usually a very sexually active person, so I’m long overdue.

I elbow Nikki, then swivel all the way around in my chair to face the room. She takes the hint and mimics me. Following my line of sight, she notices the guys, too.

“Which one?” she asks loudly over the music.

“The brunette.”

“Good choice, because I want the redhead.” With a wink, she saunters away, leaving me to follow.

Reaching back, I grab my little black purse that matches my little black dress and hop down from the stool. Instead of heading straight for the guys, I make my way to the bathroom for a little touch me up. Thankfully, there’s only one person in line for the lady’s room.

After doing my business in the stall and washing my hands, I pull out my peach-colored lipstick and swipe it across my lips. Puckering to make sure they look good, I drop the tube back in my purse.

Throwing the paper towel in the trash beside the door, I grab the handle and give it a yank. I stop right outside the doorway when I notice the man from the bar leaning casually against the wall across from me.

Chapter Two


I’ve surprised the woman, which pleases me immensely, because she sure as shit surprised me earlier when I first locked eyes on her. Beautiful isn’t a strong enough word to describe her. Breathtaking and mesmerizing come close, but still not accurate.

I’ve seen plenty of stunning women before—have fucked quite a few of them too—but none have captured my attention like she has.

Thick, gorgeous, brown hair, eyes that remind me of the Caribbean Sea, a peaches and cream complexion, and the body of an angel. God must have just come back from vacation and was still riding that high when he made her. She’s fucking perfect.

When the woman continues to wordlessly stare at me, I drop my arms to my sides and lean away from my perch against the wall. This seems to snap her out of it, because she moves out of the doorway just in time to avoid being run over by some chick who looks seconds away from spewing chunks all over the floor.

She watches the woman run into the bathroom before leaning against the wall and bringing her eyes back to me.

“What are you doing back here?” she asks, and fuck if her voice doesn’t enthrall me just as much.

I take a step toward her. “Waiting for you.”

Her eyes roll before meeting mine again. “Why?”

“I think it’s pretty obvious, gorgeous.”

“Gorgeous?” she snorts. “That’s the endearment you chose for me? How original.”

I take another step closer. “I could use beautiful.” When she lifts her brows, I try something else. “How about breathtaking?” Another step. “Ravishing?” Another. “Magnificent? Enchanting?” I stop when I’m only a foot away, take in a deep breath, and unsurprisingly, her scent is just as intoxicating as her voice and appearance.

She drops her arms and lifts her chin. “How about you go back to the blondie at the bar. I’m no longer interested.”

I grin, and her eyes wander to my lips. “Is that a hint of jealousy I hear in your voice?”

“No.” I barely suppress the laughter wanting to bubble up at her scowl. “And besides, you don’t know me well enough to know when I sound jealous.”

“So, you’re saying it could be jealousy.” When I realize she’s about to walk away from me, I drop my grin. “Look, I didn’t ask for that woman to come on to me, and I certainly didn’t want her to. I had my eye on someone way more appealing. But it’s not in my nature to be rude. While you were occupied with your friend, I excused myself to

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