The Last of the Red Hot Vampires - By Katie MacAlister Page 0,48

if you don't say 'vampire' again."

"VAMPIRE!" I screamed, snatching a pillow off the floor and hitting him with it. "You drank my blood!"

"You liked it," he said to me, before listening at the phone again, giving whoever was on the other end the name and direction of the pub.

I bit back an oath. He was right, damn him. I did enjoy it. I enjoyed it so much, I suddenly wanted to do it again.

"One more thing, Christian,'s bleeding. It doesn't seem to be stopping."

"I'm going to die. I'm going to bleed to death because you're a blood-crazed fiend. A sexy, seductive, completely gorgeous blood-crazed fiend." I whacked him again with the pillow. "If I die, I'm never going to forgive you!"

"Hush!" Theo commanded, frowning as he listened into the phone. "You're kidding. All right, I'll try that. Thank you."

"How dare you tell me to hush when I'm having an emotional breakdown," I said, as indignant as someone can be who is lying naked on a bed, next to an also-naked man who was so incredibly fabulous that, despite his blood-drinking frenzy, it made me want to wrestle him to the floor and have my wanton way with him.

"Lie still. You can have your wanton way as soon as I'm done here."

"Done what? What are you doing? What are you...oh, sweet mother of reason!"

Theo's tongue swirled over the spot on my neck that seemed to tingle in a not-unpleasant manner. His entire body froze. Mine went up in flames at his touch. He looked at me. I looked at him.

His fangs were back.

"Did it stop the bleeding?" I asked, clutching big handfuls of the bedding to keep from grabbing him.

"Yes." He seemed to have lost his breath again, his eyes ebony pools of desire, need, and passion.

"Do it again!" I demanded, pulling him down onto me.

He resisted for all of three seconds, then gave in to both our desires. I arched back against the bed as his teeth pierced my breast, his pleasure and satisfaction mingling with my own rapture as he drank.

Now I know why the ladies at work love those vampire books. Holy moly!
Chapter 11
"Here's another scone. And more coffee. Why did Theo tell me to tell you to be sure to put lots of jam on the scone?"

I accepted the plate of scones and cup of coffee, although I wasn't sure I could consume either. It was my fifth cup of coffee and fourth scone, and I was getting full. "He wants me to rebuild my strength."

"Uh-huh." Sarah sat down across from me, the tiny private dining room blissfully empty of everyone but the two of us. "OK, I've been the good friend. I didn't once smirk when Theo emerged from your room this morning. I didn't make any jokes about the fact that you obviously have the hickey to end all hickeys under that bandage on your neck. And I haven't even hinted that I'd like full details about what the two of you have been up to, even though, as your best friend, I believe I'm due some consideration in that area."

I sighed and pushed the half-eaten scone away.

"And just who is that man in the Indiana Jones hat who has been talking to Theo for the last hour?"

"His name is Christian Dante."

"Dante?" She looked thoughtful as she stirred a spoon of sugar in her tea. "There's an author named C. J. Dante, but he lives in the Czech Republic, not England. I wonder if he's related?"

"No idea. Christian is..." I took a deep breath and looked Sarah dead in the eye. "He's a vampire."

"A vampire?" Sarah's eyes grew huge. She dropped the spoon, chipping the edge of the saucer. "Oh my god, a Dark One? Then that has to be C. J. Dante! He writes about Dark Ones! Good god, I had no idea he was in England. We have the same publisher. I have to meet him!"

"Hang on a second," I said, stopping Sarah as she was about to rush out of the room. "There's something more."

"I have always wanted to meet a Dark One! Dante makes them sound so incredibly sexy! All dark and tormented, spending long centuries seeking their Beloved. This is wild! What is the something more?"

Dark and tormented. It didn't quite fit Theo, but who was I to quibble? "It's about Theo. He's...last night we...oh, I don't know where to start."

Sarah patted my hand in a comforting manner. "A simple, 'We had wild, sweaty bunny sex' would do."

"Well, we Copyright 2016 - 2024