The Last of the Red Hot Vampires - By Katie MacAlister Page 0,47

pleasure it gave him. I closed my mind to the knowledge of what he was doing, and gave in to the tension that wound tighter and tighter within me.

Theo exploded into an orgasm that pushed me over the edge, his body racking with the need to pour life into me, at the same time he took it. I gave him everything I had, gave him my pleasure, gave him my warmth, filled the empty dark spots where his soul used to be, and accepted from him pleasure that lifted me from the mortal plane and sent me flying.

I was vaguely aware of Theo's weight lifting off me as I floated down, but a great, languid sense of peace and well-being washed over me, leaving me unable to move despite the desire to comfort what I could feel was a profound sense of unease in Theo.


"Mmm." I stretched a little, relishing the sensation of having been well-loved.

"Portia, you're bleeding."

"Not possible. My period isn't due for another week or so."

"Your neck is bleeding. Where I...where I bit you." Theo's breath was warm on my face as he leaned over me.

"It'll be all right," I said, growing increasingly drowsy. My eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds each, impossible to keep open.

The bed lurched. I didn't bother to open my eyes when I heard the door open, followed by the sound of bare feet padding down the hallway. I just lay there and relived the wonderful memories of our lovemaking.

Theo returned with a cloth that he pressed to my neck. "You must make an effort to stay awake, Portia. I think I took too much of your blood."

"You're not hungry anymore," I said slowly, each word seeming to take an inordinate amount of energy to speak. I decided it wasn't worth the energy to try to talk more. I gave you great pleasure. I liked giving you pleasure.

"Wake up, Portia!"

My body lightened and floated upward, drifting around as if I was a mote of light. I drifted higher, no more substantial than a thought. You gave me pleasure, too. More than I'd ever had before. You are a very good lover.

Sweetling, you must fight this. The bleeding won't stop, and you've lost too much already. You have to help me, Portia.

I really think I'm falling for you, Theo. Which is very unlike me, but there it is.

A stinging slap on my right cheek suddenly brought me back to earth. I opened my eyes, shocked that Theo would strike me.

And that's when I realized two things: Theo and I had been speaking into each other's minds, and the word he spoke earlier was an important one.

"Vampire? You're a vampire? You can't be a vampire! You're a nephilim!"

"Don't move," he said, pushing me back onto the bed. "Put your hand here and press down hard."

"Oh, sweet sensibility. I'm bleeding? I'm hemorrhaging? Call the paramedics!"

"It's going to be a bit difficult explaining to the authorities why you're missing so much blood," he said, grabbing the phone off the tiny nightstand.

"You're calling someone? While I'm lying here bleeding to death? Oh my stars, you bit me! You drank my blood! And...and...good gravy, I enjoyed it! It was so...what have you done to me?"

The last few words came out as a wail of self-pity that made me flinch even as I spoke them.

"Calm down, Portia. Panic will make your blood pressure go up," he said, sitting beside me on the bed. He punched a few numbers on the phone, holding it between his shoulder and ear as he edged up the towel I pressed to my neck. "I'm calling someone I met a few years ago. A Dark One."

"A dark what? Not another demon lord! Is it still bleeding?"

"Yes," he replied as I goggled at him. "Not yes, I'm calling a demon lord, but yes, it's still bleeding. Dark Ones are vampires. Or they have been called such - they aren't as evil as legend has painted them. Hello? Christian Dante? I doubt you'll remember me, but we met in 1879 in Paris. My name is Theo North...that's right. Only I don't seem to be a nephilim any longer. Or perhaps I am, but I've - it's a long story. Can I meet with you?"

"I feel woozy. I think I'm going to pass out. Oh my god, I had sex with a vampire! I'm falling in love with a vampire! I fed a vampire!"

Theo covered up the bottom part of the phone. "I'll give you fifty pounds Copyright 2016 - 2024