Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,79

set down his black bag and knelt to examine Evan.

“It’s very good that you got the bleeding stopped. I would like to be able to remove the bullet, but at this point I cannot tell exactly where it is lodged. We will need to transfer him to my office. Let’s get him into your coach, Constables.”

* * *

Ally wrung her hands as she sat in the waiting area at the doctor’s office. Evan had been taken into the back for surgery.

“Ally,” Sophie said, taking her hand, “we have a lot to talk about. I know you must be worried sick about Evan, as am I, so we will save our talk for later.”

Ally nodded. “I am so sorry that you got dragged into this. If anything had happened to you…” Ally’s heart wrenched.

Sophie’s touch soothed her.

“I am fine, and Evan will be fine too, God willing.”

“Oh, Sophie, he just has to be.”

A few moments later, a nurse joined them.

“My ladies, Lord Evan is out of surgery. The doctor wishes to speak to you. Please follow me.”

Ally sucked in a breath. “How is Evan? Will he be all right?”

The nurse smiled. “The doctor will explain everything.”

The nurse wouldn’t have smiled if anything had gone wrong, right? At least that’s what Ally hoped. They followed the nurse to a small office. Dr. Stanton sat behind a desk.

“My ladies, do come in and have a seat.”

Ally sat in a leather chair, and Sophie sat next to her.

“You’ll be happy to know that Lord Evan came through surgery brilliantly. He is strong and healthy. I was able to remove the bullet, and he is stitched up. Right now he is sedated and on morphine for the pain. I’ve already made arrangements to transport him back to the Brighton townhome in London.”

Ally let out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

“It was rough for a little while, but everything worked out fine,” the doctor said.

“Thank you so much, Doctor,” Sophie said. “We will see that you are paid handsomely for your services.”

“Thank you,” he said.

The nurse opened the door. “Excuse me, Doctor, but the transport has arrived for Lord Evan.”

“Excellent,” the doctor said. “My ladies, you will go with Lord Evan in the transport. We will put him aboard on a stretcher. Two attendants will travel with you and get him safely to his chamber.”

Sophie politely thanked the doctor, but all Ally could do was nod her head and cry. She had never been so thankful in all her life—more thankful even than when her father had passed away and freed her, Sophie, and her mother from the prison of their home. Never in a million years could she have imagined that any person would mean as much to her as Evan did. His life meant everything to her.

Once he had regained his strength, she would accept his marriage proposal.

Sophie had been right all along. Some things were more important than money.

Once in the transport, Ally asked Sophie whether her kidnappers had harmed her.

“I was frightened more than anything else,” Sophie said. “They were not unkind to me, and they did feed me regularly. They did not hurt me, though they did say they were going to get rid of both Evan and me last night. I don’t know exactly what they meant, and I’m glad I didn’t find out.”

“As am I. Something spooked the woman. I don’t know who or what it was, but I thank God for it. I could never have forgiven myself if any harm had come to you,” Ally said.

“But what is it all about, Ally? I don’t understand. Have you truly been writing erotica?”

Ally’s cheeks warmed. “I have. But please believe me that I never would’ve done it if I had thought any harm could come to anyone I loved.”

“I know you would never let anyone harm me,” Sophie said. “You’ve proved that many times.” She cast her gaze downward.

“That is all in the past, dear sister.”

“I’ll never forget how you took on Father for me.” Sophie wrung her hands. “I should have been stronger.”

“Please, Sophie.” Ally didn’t like to think about those times. “As I said, it is in the past.”

“But I can never repay you—”

“I never asked for repayment, did I? And truly, I never thought any harm could come from my writing. I do get paid a small amount for it, and having any money of my own is such a treat after our childhood.”

Sophie nodded. “I am not judging you. If you enjoy erotica, you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024