Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,78


Ally hated the idea. Evan could lose his leg, but at this point they had no choice. “Yes, you’re right. Tie this off while I continue to put pressure on the wound.”

If only morning would come.

“All we need to do is get him comfortable and stop the bleeding,” Sophie said. “If we can do that, he will survive until we can get help.”

Then, damn it, that is exactly what Ally would do. She leaned forward and kissed Evan’s cheek. I swear to you, Evan, I will not let anything happen to you. I will get you help. I will take care of you. Always.

A half hour later, Ally and Sophie had stopped the bleeding. Evan’s breath was shallow, but at least it was present.

“Ally,” Sophie said, “you should try to get a little bit of sleep.”

Ally shook her head. “I will not go to sleep until I know he is all right. I’m so very sorry, Sophie, for all that I’ve put you through. Please, you try to get some sleep.”

Sophie nodded and lay down on the floor. Soon her soft snore wafted to Ally’s ears. Though she tried not to, Ally wept. She sat next to Evan, keeping vigil, waiting for the elusive dawn.

Many hours later, sunlight finally filtered through the dirty window of the dank room.

Evan still breathed, but had not awakened. Ally nudged her sister.

“Sophie, wake up. It’s finally light, and I must go for help.”

“I will go with you.”

“No, someone must stay with Evan. I will go.” Ally couldn’t bear to leave Evan’s side, but she would be more able to get help than Sophie. Though they had both come here in the dark, Sophie had been blindfolded and would have no idea where she was. Ally at least had a small idea of what she was dealing with.

She jerked and looked up as the door was forced open. Two constables entered.

“What is going on here? You do know you’re trespassing.”

Ally sucked in a relieved breath. “Oh, thank God! This man needs help. He was shot. We managed to stop the bleeding a few hours ago, but there’s a bullet inside his thigh. He has been unconscious for the most part since the shooting. Is there a doctor anywhere nearby?”

“Yes, madam,” one of the constables said. “I shall fetch the doctor.” He left quickly.

“How did you know we were here?” Ally asked.

“We received an anonymous message that someone might need help here.”

“Who on earth? Sophie, it must’ve been your kidnappers.” Ally widened her eyes. “Kidnappers with a conscience. That’s a new one.”

“You were kidnapped, madam?”

Sophie nodded. “Yes, I was taken from the Brighton estate in Wiltshire. I’m not sure how long ago—maybe two days? Three? They kept me in a dark room and I lost track of time.”

“We received a note telling us to come here at midnight last night,” Ally said. “This is Lord Evan Xavier, second son of the Earl of Brighton.”

“My God. Well, with any luck, the doctor will be here soon. You ladies have obviously taken very good care of him. If I had to wager a guess, I would say he will recover. Of course, I am no medical professional.”

Ally let out a sigh of relief. The constable might not be a doctor, but hearing someone—anyone—say those words helped.

“And who might you ladies be?” the constable asked.

“I am Lady Sophie MacIntyre,” Sophie said, “and this is my sister, Lady Alexandra. We are Lord Brighton’s stepdaughters.”

Ally’s heart nearly stopped. This man was a constable, sworn to uphold the law. Whoever had kidnapped Sophie had done so because of Alexandra’s involvement with The Ruby. Though she was not involved in the publication and distribution of the paper, she did write stories for it. Was that against the law? Would Evan somehow get in trouble for this?

She could not risk that happening. Once Evan got the help he needed, she and Sophie would have to decline to speak to the constables any more about the matter. If only she hadn’t mentioned Sophie’s kidnappers.

Nothing to be done now.

What seemed like hours later, the other constable arrived with the doctor. “I’m sorry it took so long,” he said. “I had to go several blocks over. I also had to promise that he would be paid double for coming into this area.”

Double? Triple, quadruple, Ally didn’t care, as long as the man helped Evan. “Of course. This man is Lord Brighton’s son. You will be paid adequately, Doctor.”

The doctor, a stout man with gray hair and spectacles, Copyright 2016 - 2024