Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,73

you care so much about it?”

“Because it is obscene, my lady.”

Who gives you the right to decide what is obscene and what is not? The question sat on Sophie’s tongue, but she did not ask it. They had not hurt her so far, but they were clearly fanatics who thought they were above the law. She could not trust that they would not do her harm. After all, they had kidnapped her.

If only Ally had not gotten involved with this. Well, Ally was Ally. Sophie would protect her, with her life if necessary.

* * *

Darkness had fallen when Evan returned. Woods met him at the door, his expression unreadable.

“My lord, I’m not sure how to tell you this.”

“What is it, Woods?”

“I have heard from your father. He and the countess will be returning in a few days’ time. They will be stopping here in London first before going on to Wiltshire to the estate.”

Evan rubbed his jawline. Just what he needed—his father home, and he had managed to lose one of his stepsisters. “Lord,” he said.

“I’m afraid that’s not all,” Woods said.

What could be worse? Then he realized he already knew.

“She’s gone, isn’t she?”

Confessions of Lady Prudence

by Madame O

Amelia, I cannot even begin to tell you the pleasure I felt. Not being able to move my arms, not being able to sift my fingers through his glorious tresses, heightened the sensation. I tugged at my restraints, willing them to release me so that I could touch him. To no avail. Yet he continued to plunder me, licking my pussy until I screamed.

“Lars! Release me, please! I must touch you!”

He only chuckled, his voice sending further tremors through me as it vibrated off of my folds. He pushed my thighs forward, baring me further to his view. He forced his tongue in and out of my entrance, and he sucked on my nether lips. His tongue slithered farther now, to my most secret opening. He licked it, teasing it, and Amelia, such shocks quivered through me.

“Release me!” I begged again.

And again he only chuckled, teasing my anus, and then breaching it with a finger.

I nearly jerked off the bed, so intense was the pain of the breach. He continued eating my pussy while he fingered me, the pain slowly subsiding. In and out, in and out, and Amelia, it began to feel absolutely amazing. He sucked my folds into his mouth again and then he teased at my clitoris, licking, sucking, until I exploded in an earth-shattering climax.

“Oh, Lars, how wonderful! Now, please release me, and I shall do the same for you.”

Lars only chuckled again and moved forward on top of me, straddling me. At some point he had disrobed, and oh, was he a sight to behold! Lighter skin than Christophe or Mr. Peck, and lean muscles and a nearly hairless chest! His sculpted cock sprang from a triangle of copper.

He nudged my lips with his erection. He had no intention of releasing me, Amelia. He was going to fuck my mouth just like this. And I found, to my utter surprise, that I was thrilled.

He said nothing, only inched his cock past my lips, which I opened for him obediently. He placed his hand behind my neck and raised my head off the pillow, bringing my mouth into closer contact with his cock. He held my head fast, controlling the movement. I had never sucked cock before where I was not the one in control, Amelia, and it was something splendid indeed. He forced himself into my mouth, moaning, groaning.

“My lady, that is so good,” he said.

I, of course, could say nothing in return as his cock filled my mouth. However, his pleasure coursed through me, giving me greater pleasure myself. I wanted him to climax, yet I didn’t, because if he climaxed now in my mouth, he would not be able to fuck me. I yearned for that big cock in my pussy.

As if reading my mind, he left my mouth and slid downward. He forced my thighs forward, my feet resting on his shoulders, and he entered me with one swift thrust.

Oh, the ecstasy! He filled me so deeply, so completely, that I nearly shattered at first contact.

He plunged and he plunged, and I was just on the verge of my climax, when the door to my bedchamber opened.

Chapter 19

Evan stood, immobilized. No good would come of berating Woods or any of the other servants. Alexandra possessed magical powers when it came to getting what she Copyright 2016 - 2024