Lady Alexandra's Lover (Sex and the Season #3) - Helen Hardt Page 0,72

and a chair occupied the rest of the dwelling.

“Mum,” the boy said, “this nice lord is going to bring us some food.”

“Madam,” Evan said, “how long have you been ill?”

The woman opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

“She’s too weak,” the boy said. “She had the consumption, and she never fully recovered. We couldn’t afford to have the doctor come.”

“How have you been taking care of her?”

“Stealing mostly. I don’t like to do it, but I’ve had no other choice. There’s no work to be had, and the landlord comes around every week or so wanting his rent.”

“I will find my servant and coachman and see that the two of you are taken care of for the next few months. Are you able to work, lad? I can give you a job at my townhome.”

“I cannot leave Mum.”

Evan nodded. He couldn’t very well take responsibility for the sickly woman. “Is she able to travel? My family has an estate in Wiltshire, and we have tenant homes available. If you are willing to work, we could probably find a solution.”

The boy shook his head. “I’m sorry, sir. I cannot see how that will work.”

Evan nodded. If the boy was willing to work, Evan would find a way to move his mother and him and get them the help they needed. “I can arrange for transport for you both.”

“We cannot take advantage.”

“I am giving you the advantage,” Evan said. “Don’t be a fool.”

“No, sir. If you could just give us the food you promised…”

“Lad, I’m offering you more than a few meals—”

Evan stopped as his eye caught a glint of glass on the floor. A whiskey bottle. And another. At least a dozen were scattered in the corner of the room.

These people didn’t really want his help. They wanted his charity. They were not going to change.

“Very well, then.” Evan took out his purse and retrieved several coins. “Buy some food. This will last you a couple of weeks. Make sure your mother gets fed decently.” He met the boy’s gaze. “And do not spend the money on the drink.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And give me your blade.”

“But sir…”

“Consider it payment for the food.”

The boy reluctantly handed over the knife.

Evan shook his head as he left the humble dwelling. The boy wanted to take the easy way out. It was so very clear.

Was Alexandra any different? She wanted to marry Nathan Landon for his money. Granted, it was difficult for a woman to make it on her own in this world, but she’d obviously found a way to make a little bit of money selling her stories.

Evan’s dander rose again. She’d probably made more from using his business to publish The Ruby.

He sighed. He had done all he could for the lad and his mother, and he had done all he could for Alexandra. He had given her his love, willingly, but she did not want it.

Right now his priority was Sophie. He would return here at midnight.

* * *

“Here you are, Lady Alexandra,” the grey woman said, bringing in another sparse meal.

Sophie shot her eyebrows up. This was the first time they had called her something other than my lady. She had been right. They had mistaken her for Ally. She did nothing to correct the error.

She simply nodded as the grey woman set the small meal on the table. The woman then took her chamber pot and left the room. A few minutes later, she returned it.

“Aren’t you going to eat, my lady?”

Sophie was not hungry. She had not been hungry since they took her. What she really wanted was a basin and pitcher to wash the grime off her face and hands. But she wouldn’t ask. She was at their mercy now, and if they wanted her clean, they would bring her a basin and pitcher. “Yes, of course.” Sophie picked up the sandwich and took a bite out of the dry bread. She took a gulp of the water that had been brought with it. Maybe she could get some answers from the woman. “I’m sorry, but who are you again?”

“It’s like Mr. Ryland told you. We are members of a group against the publication and distribution of obscene literature. We seek to punish those involved with it.”

“Why not let the legal system take care of that?” Sophie said.

“The legal system is a joke, my lady. Publication of such material is a common misdemeanor. The constables look the other way, just like they do with the whorehouses.”

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