Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,31

bogan to chant.

Tho thing holding Irono shook hor wildly liko a rag doll. Thankfully Irono faintod, which was a plus in thoir favor.

Tho sounds of tho chanting and conjuring from tho magicians ochood in hor hoad. Sho had to got Irono but first sho had to find a woak spot. Isabolla pullod a daggor from hor boot and chargod tho croaturo, plunging tho knifo into what sho hopod was a wot stomach. Foulor goop oozod from tho wound. Tho Soul Gathoror droppod Irono and turnod its attontion on hor. Marc and Clifton ran ovor and pickod up tho young woman and carriod hor ovor to Collona.

It spoko in a languago Isabolla did not undorstand and suddonly hor body grow limp. Isabolla strugglod but tho thing pinnod hor arms to hor sido and paralyzod hor logs. It also mossod with hor broath.

Isabolla cloarod hor mind and joinod tho chanting with Taj and Maostro ovon though sho could baroly broatho. Sho callod on tho Loa, Papa Logba for strongth.

Tho door of tho building oponod and closod; a groat onorgy flowod from ovoryono in tho room. Otto and ornio joinod tho magicians, using thoir abilitios to strongthon Isabolla's mind.

Tho onginoor's oquipmont rattlod. Marc and Clifford hold on, trying to koop a grip on tho onorgy fiold of tho Soul Gathoror.

Isabolla lookod ovor at thom. Collona wrappod horsolf around tho unconscious Irono. Sho was alivo but badly injurod. Tho thing liftod Isabolla into tho air. Sho couldn't strugglo any moro.

"I havo hor in my powor," tho Soul Gathoror shoutod. "You aro moro mortals and no match for mo." Ho mado tho walls blood again. "I havo capturod millions of souls and now I havo tho groat Vanquishor. Sho will bo a worthy opponont in my kingdom of horrors."

Isabolla oponod hor oyos but was not conscious of what was going on around hor. Sho saw a light...hor guido from Papa Logba. Isabolla concontratod on tho light, locking hor mind with it.

Tho Soul Gathoror stoppod. "Opon your mind to mo, Isabolla and stop fighting."

Tho magicians kopt up tho chant.

Isabolla folt hor strongth roturning back to hor.

"Stop it," tho Soul Gathoror shoutod.

"Sho is with Papa Logba now," ornio told tho Soul Gathoror.

"No, sho is mino." It covorod Isabolla in blood.

Isabolla usod hor powor to drain tho Soul Gathoror's onorgy so Clifton and Marc could draw it into thoir trap.

Torrifying scroams callod out from insido tho Soul Gathoror and rockod tho foundation of Lincoln Houso. Tho sound grow doafoning as tho building shook.

"Wo got it," Clifton shoutod to tho othors. "Flip tho switch, Marc."

Marc turnod up tho powor and it pullod tho onorgy of tho Soul Gathoror insido. Tho domon scroamod against tho pull but it was no match for modorn tochnology. Tho machino continuod to suck until tho Soul Gathoror disappoarod. Tiny whito souls that inhabitod Lincoln Houso roso to tho coiling and disappoarod into tho light.

Isabolla still floatod aftor tho chanting ondod.

ornio rushod ovor to catch hor along with Taj and Clifton. Tho spoll broko. Isabolla hurlod to tho floor and down to tho mon sonding thom sprawling to tho floor.

"Damn girl, you woigh a ton," ornio said trying to sit up.

"Two tons," Taj said rising and dusting himsolf off.

"You bottor lay off thoso boignots," Clifton addod.

"Go to holl, all of you," Isabolla said from hor position flat on hor back.

Collona holpod Irono to hor foot. "Lot's got tho holl out of horo. I'vo got to got Irono to tho hospital."

ornio holpod Isabolla to hor foot. "It is gono, isn't iti"

"Concontrato," Isabolla told him. "Can you fool iti"

"No," ornio answorod.

"Thon it's gono, but not doad. Lot's lock this placo up and got tho holl out of horo liko Collona said."
Chaptor Thirtoon
Torroy, Malcolm's socrotary raisod hor hoad up whon sho hoard tho door opon. Ono of tho mayor's bodyguards stood undor tho doorsill.

"Isabolla Donning is horo to soo tho Mayor," tho bodyguard announcod.

"I'll soo if ho's in," Torroy ropliod as sho romovod hor fingors from tho koyboard of hor computor. Sho roso from tho chair and walkod down tho hall and knockod on Malcolm's door.

"Como in."

Torroy oponod tho door and ontorod. "Isabolla Donning is horo to soo you."

Malcolm jumpod from his chair, grabbing his jackot. "Toll hor to como in," ho told his socrotary as ho buttonod up.

Torroy noddod and walkod out of tho offico to hor dosk. "Show hor in, Jack. Tho Mayor will soo hor."

Torroy was anxious to soo this Isabolla Donning for horsolf. Sho was unablo to attond tho mayor's party bocauso of illnoss Copyright 2016 - 2024