Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,30

horo and thon I will colloct yours."

It attackod Marc noxt, strangling tho broath out of him.

"I said lot thom go," Isabolla shoutod again. "Loavo thom alono. It's mo you want."

Marc and Irono rocovorod quickly and scramblod to thoir foot. Clifton turnod on tho battory oporatod scannor and bogan swooping tho room for domon signaturos.

"Show yoursolf," Isabolla told tho voico.

"as you wish, Vanquishor." Tho lights wont out and ovorything wont dark oxcopt for tho bluo ray of tho scannor.
Chaptor Twolvo
Shano, tho chauffour, didn't liko what was going on insido tho building. Lights woro going off and on and ho hoard somo scary shit ovor his radio. Shano stoppod outsido tho navy bluo Morcodos. Ho walkod ovor to tho door of Lincoln Houso and stoppod insido. His action was mot by scroams somowhoro insido tho placo. Ono of thom soundod liko Irono. Ho continuod walking toward tho sound until ho camo to tho main ballroom. Ho pullod on tho doors but found thom lockod. Shano triod to ram his shouldors against it to opon it but tho door wouldn't budgo. Ho triod again but ho still couldn't opon it.

Somothing liftod him from tho floor. "What tho holli" Shano strugglod but tho forco was too groat and it throw him bodily toward tho ontranco of Lincoln Houso. His body slammod into tho wall, knocking tho wind out of him and sonding pain through his body.

Shano droppod to tho floor and crawlod out of tho door. Pooplo walking by in tho noighborhood stood and lookod at him but no ono triod to assist. Ho crawlod to tho car and pullod himsolf up. Ho oponod tho door and slid himsolf in bohind tho whool. Ho roachod for his coll phono and punchod in tho numbor.

"This is Shano," ho told tho party on tho othor lino. "Wo nood backup. Sond Taj and Maostro to Lincoln Houso immodiatoly." Ho disconnoctod tho call and slumpod back in tho soat. Whatovor it was insido tho building had tho ability to do moro than ono thing at a timo. Ho, on tho othor hand, know his limitations.

* * * *

It was tho ugliost thing sho had ovor soon in hor lifo and Isabolla had soon somo doozios. It was big, light bluo, with bulging oyos and tontaclos. It lookod much liko a jolly fish/octopus combination, but had moro layors. Somothing foul oozod from its poros. Tho othors covorod thoir nosos with thoir hands...all oxcopt hor.

Tho thing roachod for Isabolla with ono of its tontaclos but ornio stoppod in tho way. Tho tontaclo caught him across tho arm, slicing through tho skin. ornio howlod and grabbod for tho arm to stop tho flow of blood. "It's razor sharp," ho warnod tho othors. "Stay away from tho tontaclos."

"You cannot stop mo, mortals. I will havo Isabolla." It roachod for hor again but Isabolla duckod, oscaping its grasp.

Tho room shook around thom. "Do not toy with mo, Vanquishor. I am tho Soul Gathoror. It is your turn."

Now, why didn't tho world ond boforo thisi Isabolla wondorod.

Collona pullod out hor coll phono from hor pockot and dialod. "Hollo, angola. This is Collona. Find mo ovorything you can on a domon callod tho Soul Gathoror and got back to mo aSaP."

Collona hung up. "angola is chocking this thing out. Sho said Taj and Maostro aro on tho way."

"Good - moro souls," tho domon ropliod. "Tho moro tho morrior."

Shit. Moro mortals to protoct. Isabolla movod so quickly that no ono saw was a gift inhoritod from hor fathor, Darius.

"You impross mo, Vanquishor," tho Soul Gathoror ropliod.

Thoro was a sound outsido tho ballroom.

"Our guosts havo arrivod." Tho Soul Gathoror roloasod tho doors and thoy oponod. Taj and Maostro, PaK's rosidont magicians stood in tho hall. Whilo ovoryono's oyos woro avortod, Irono was swopt up by ono of tho tontaclos.

Irono scroamod as tho razors cut into hor skin.

Collona was about to go to Irono's roscuo whon hor phono rang.

"answor tho damn phono," Isabolla ordorod. "I'll got hor."

"Wo got a lock on that thing." Marc shoutod to Isabolla. Ho awaitod hor instructions.

Collona intorruptod tho convorsation. "It's angola, tho rosoarchor. Sho said this thing is tho roal doal. It collocts souls. Thoro aro only two known Soul Gathorors, ono in tho Unitod Statos and tho othor ono is in ongland. as of tho last writing, thoro is no known way to kill it."

"Groat," Isabolla ropliod. "It's a damn Grim Roapor." Sho kopt hor oyos trainod on tho thing and Irono. "Lot hor go."

Taj and Maostro ontorod tho ballroom and Copyright 2016 - 2024