Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,70

any better than this. With each day that passes, Aurora and I grow closer. Not only do we grow closer, but she’s opening up more each day. She’s her own person, and she’s fucking vibrant.

“Morning,” she says, giving me a sleepy smile.

“Good morning.” I kiss her temple.

“What are we doing today?”

“Owen texted me.” I hold up my phone that’s lying beside me in the bed. “He’s trying to rally up the troops to get everyone out on the boat today.”

“The boat? It’s the beginning of May. Isn’t the water still too cold?”

“Nah, we won’t get in. Not on purpose.” I chuckle. “I guess he wants to get him and Layla out of the house for a few hours. Mom and Dad are going to watch Carter. He’s a month old today, and Layla has barely left the house. I think my brother’s feeling a little neglected from his wife. What do you say?”

“Sure, I just need to shower, and I need to check my mail. I haven’t been to the post office since Wednesday. And I bet your parents are going to be over the moon. As far as Owen being neglected, I doubt that, but I know he loves Layla fiercely and some mom-and-dad time is never a bad thing; in fact it’s good for all parents to get a break.”

“I agree with you. Owen and Layla know they will be close, and it will more than likely be a quick trip out on the lake. Just enough to get us all some fresh air. Now, how about you get your fine ass in the shower, I’ll run to the post office for you, and when I get back, we can stop by my place so I can shower?”

“Sure. I wish Aspen were here. She’d love this.”

“What time is she getting home?”

“I don’t know. I’m sure Mom will keep her there as long as she can.”

“Call her. She’s more than welcome.”

“Okay. She’s going to be sad she missed it. She was leery about leaving for the wedding anyway. But like I told her, we can’t let this place control our lives. I spend a lot of time with you, and she’s just here hanging out on her own. She’s made a few new friends, but I still worry about her.”

“We should plan a night out. I’ll put Conrad and Marshall on that. They’ll be all over it.”

“That sounds like something she would love.” She laughs. “My keys are on the counter. The post office key is on there. Thank you, babe.”

“I’m on it.” I climb out of bed, and she rolls over on her belly.

“This bed feels cold and way too big without you in it.”

“Mine’s a king. How do you think I feel?” I ask her. Sliding into my jeans, I button them and quickly pull my shirt over my head. “Get moving, lazybones.” I smack her on the ass and head for the small living room.

After slipping into my shoes and socks, I grab her keys and make my way down the steps. The post office is just two blocks over, so I decide to walk. It’s a nice morning, warmer than normal for early May. It’s going to be a great day to be out on the water. Maybe a little chilly with the wind, but I’m still looking forward to it. Not only do I love being out on the lake, and the first time of the season is always full of anticipation after a long winter, but this time Aurora is going to be there with me. That alone is a game-changer.

I’m headed back to the bakery with my arms full of mail. I need to remember to check this for her at least every other day. I know her hours are crazy and she’s exhausted trying to do it all on her own. Well, with just her and Aspen. She’s finally placed an ad in the paper that’s supposed to go out today. Her previous interviews didn’t show up. Hopefully, she gets some good candidates out of the ad so they can both get a break.

As I round the corner, I spy a man with his face pressed to the glass of the bakery. “Hey!” I call out to him as I quicken my steps. “Can I help you with something?” I ask him.

“Nah, just looking for my fiancée.”

“Well, the bakery is closed today.” Something about this guy is off. He’s shady at best.

He nods, mumbling something under his breath. “You should probably Copyright 2016 - 2024