Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,69

all the pain was worth it. Not that I would think anything less. I’m not a mother, but I can imagine it’s the best feeling.

Carter stretches in my arms, and I pull back his blanket, giving his little arms and legs the space he needs to do his thing. “Feel better, buddy?” I ask once he’s finished. I try to wrap him back up, like the little burrito that he is, but I’m going to need to lay him down.

“Dad’s got this,” Owen says. He walks around the bed and takes him from my arms. I stick my lip out in a pout, and he chuckles. “I’ll give him right back. I’ve perfected the burrito,” he tells me. His blue eyes are also shining with so much love and happiness. It’s radiating off both of them.

“I need to watch this,” Grant says, standing.

“Something you’re not telling us, little brother?” Owen asks.

“Nope. Trust me. If this was my future, I’d be screaming it from the rooftops. I need to work on my burrito skills if I’m going to claim the favorite uncle title,” he says.

Layla and I both burst out laughing, not because of the “favorite uncle” remark, but because Grant’s gaze is focused. He’s concentrating on watching Owen, who is also the model of concentration.

“How are you feeling, Momma?” I ask her.

“Good. Tired and sore, but happy.”

I nod. “He’s perfect,” I say, glancing back at Carter, who is now the perfect little baby burrito. “Gimme.” I hold my hands out for him, and Owen smiles. He kisses his son on top of his head and places him back in my arms.

“Looks like Aurora is going for favorite aunt,” Owen jokes.

My heart swells at the thought of being a part of this family. Of being here to watch this little boy grow up. Watching his Mom and Dad be amazing parents, and his four uncles compete for his affection, which he will surely figure out as he gets older and takes full advantage of them. As he should.

“What’s that smile for?” Grant asks.

“Nothing. Just picturing you and your brothers spoiling this little guy rotten to be the favorite uncle.”

“Oh, it’s going to happen,” he agrees.

The four of us talk for a little while, and when Layla covers her yawn for the third time, I know it's time to let them get some rest, and just the thought of rest has exhaustion washing over me too. It’s been a long couple of days, and I could use a nap. “You ready?” I ask Grant.

“Yeah.” He takes Carter from my arms, whispers something I can’t hear into his ear, kisses his head, and then hands him off to his dad. “We’re going to head out. If you all need anything, you call us.”

“We will. Mom and Dad are coming back later, so are Conrad and Marshall. Royce and Sawyer were here earlier.”

“They’ll be back.” Grant chuckles. “Get used to it. This little guy is the most popular Riggins.”

With a round of hugs, we’re out the door. “Why don’t you ride home with me? We’ll come back later and get your car.”

“Depends. Are you going to let me sleep? I’m running on about three hours.”

“Yes. And now you no longer get the choice. I’m not letting you drive that exhausted.”’

“You slept here,” I remind him.

“Yes, but I went home and got a shower and about five or so hours of sleep before I came back.”

“I need food too,” I tell him. My eyes widen in surprise. I can’t believe I just said that.

“I’ll swing through a drive-through and get us something.” When we reach his SUV, he pulls me into his chest and buries his face in my neck. “I fucking love you, Aurora.”

“What brought this on?” I ask, even though I already know.

“You. You’re opening up to me. You’re trusting me, and, baby, I’ve got to tell you. I love it when you tell me what you want. From food to the bedroom, I love your confidence.”

“That’s all you.”

“No, that’s all you.” Standing on my tiptoes, I press my lips to his. “It’s your kisses, they’re magic.”

“I definitely believe in the magic,” he says, stepping back to pull open the door for me.

I’m not certain that I believe in magic, but I do believe in him—in the man who has loved me back to life.

Chapter 25


It’s Sunday morning. I’m lying in bed with my sexy as fuck girlfriend curled up against my side, and I can’t help but think that life doesn’t get Copyright 2016 - 2024