Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,53

keys from the ignition. We climb out of the truck, and I follow him up the porch steps and wait as he knocks. “I guess I need to start doing this at your place now too.” He smirks.

“Might be a good idea.”

“Well, Marsh and I still have open doors,” he says, opening the door when someone from inside yells out to come on in.

“Only a matter of time, Con,” I tease, following him inside.

“What did we miss?” Royce asks as we step into the living room.

“Oh, you know, this guy—” Conrad points at me from where I stand next to him. “—he’s all shacked up.”

“No, shit? Aurora’s moving in? That’s great.” Royce walks toward me with his hand out for me to shake.

“No, she’s not moving in. She stayed at my place last night.”

“Minor details,” Conrad replies.

“Details are important, Con,” Sawyer speaks up.

“Where is she?” Layla asks.

“She went home. Aspen picked her up. They’re coming to dinner tonight at Mom and Dad’s.” I don’t even bother hiding the smile that graces my face, knowing I get to see her again soon.

“Ugh, there.” Marshall points at me. “The goofy lovesick grin is in full swing.”

“Yep.” I’m not going to hide what she means to me. Especially not after what that douchebag put her through.

“So, tell me,” Conrad says.

“Tell you what? What did we miss?” Marshall asks.

“Nosey fuckers,” I mumble.

“And proud of it.” Sawyer winks.

“Aurora, she’s had it rough. Her ex did a number on her. You know that, right?”

“Yeah,” they all agree.

“Her ex is a total fuckstick. I won’t tell you everything, but I can tell you that he tore her down. She thinks her weight is an issue, among other things.” My hands ball into fists when I think about the way he must have treated her. Mentally and emotionally abusing her and taking never giving.

“Calm down there, hulk.” Owen chortles.

“Stop.” Layla, who is glued to his side, smacks him lightly on the chest. “What can we do to help her, Grant?”

“You got lucky with this one.” I point at her, keeping my eyes on Owen. “You too,” I tell Royce, pointing at Sawyer.

“We know,” my two older brothers reply at once, making the girls smile, despite the roll of their eyes.

“Tore her down, how?” Layla tosses out another question.

“Her self-esteem is shit.”

Layla nods slowly. “I’m all over it.” She glances at Sawyer, who nods as well. They hold an entire conversation with just a look. I don’t know what they’re saying, but from the looks of it, I’m not the only one who’s going to be showering my girl with love.

“The girls and I will take care of it.” This comes from my mother, right behind me. I turn to look at her. “Momma’s on it, son.” She winks, and we all laugh.

Reaching out, I pull her into a hug. “Love you, Mom,” I say, kissing her cheek.

“You were always my favorite,” she says, her voice loud, which has my four brothers protesting.

“Oh, hush, you’re all my favorites, you two as well.” She points to Layla and Sawyer. “Now, I believe we have wedding details to go over. Get busy.” She claps her hands, and we all jump into action.

We spend the next couple of hours moving furniture around Owen and Layla’s living room. The Riggins women couldn’t seem to make up their minds, but we didn’t mind. Anytime we get the opportunity to all be together is welcome. I just wish Aurora were here with us.

I rode with Conrad to Mom and Dad’s with the hope that I could catch a ride home with Aurora and Aspen. If not, one of my brothers will take me home, but I’m hopeful that it’s Aurora that I leave here with.

“Boy, you keep watching the driveway, you’re going to stare a hole in it.” Dad laughs.

“You need to work on your jokes, old man,” I counter, moving away from the window. He’s not wrong. If stares could cause holes to form, there’d be many forming in their driveway right now. Aurora texted me almost twenty minutes ago and said they were on their way.

“Things are going well with the two of you?” Dad asks.

“Better than I could have imagined.”

He nods. “You know what that is, right?”

“Love?” I ask, knowing damn well what he’s talking about.

“That too.” He grins. The lines around his eyes are more prominent as he ages. “It’s the magic, Grant.”

“Come on, Dad. I know you preached that shit to Royce and Owen, but do you really believe in Copyright 2016 - 2024