Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,52

at her. “But this—” He points to Grant and me. “—it’s nauseating.”

“You’re just jealous,” Grant fires back.

He looks at me and winks. “I mean, if I had a woman who looked like Rory here, I guess I could understand it.” He’s grinning like a fool knowing that he’s goading his brother.

“Fuck off, she’s mine,” Grant says, turning to the side and wrapping one arm around my waist.

“Aw,” Aspen coos.

“Come on, lover boy. We’ve got furniture to move,” Conrad says, draining his coffee and placing his empty cup in the sink.

“I’ll be right out,” Grant tells him. He doesn’t wait for them to reply, or to leave for that matter, when he cups my face in his big hands and kisses me slow and deep.

It’s just us. Everything else fades to black as he seduces me with his lips. “You want me to swing by and pick you guys up later?”

“No, we can drive.”

He nods and lifts me from the counter. Hand in hand, he leads us to the door where we slip into our shoes and jackets. I grab my purse from the table by the door and step out onto the porch waiting for him to close and lock up. Conrad is standing next to the driver’s side door of Aspen’s car, and the windows are down. It’s March in Tennessee, so it’s still chilly. I’m about to ask her what’s going on when I hear music flowing out of her car windows. It takes me a minute but as soon as I hear it, my face flames. Grant roars with laughter and pulls me into his chest as The Lonely Island’s “I Just Had Sex” blares through the morning air. Do you know the one with Akon? Yeah, that song.

Aspen is laughing, and Conrad is bent over at the waist, doing the same. Grant’s chest shakes with his laughter, and all I can do is hold onto him and let my laughter bubble-free as well.

“Come on, babe, you have to admit that was a good one. I’m surprised my brothers haven’t pulled that same thing.”

“That’s classic!” Conrad says, gasping for air over his laughter.

“Hey.” Grant tilts my chin up to look at him. “I love you.”

Butterflies go crazy as I stare into his eyes, and I know without a shadow of a doubt he means it. This strong, amazing, gorgeous man loves me. He really loves me. “I love you too.” I smile. Even with the ribbing of our siblings, I’m happy. Happier than I’ve ever been. My heart feels lighter, and I owe that all to this incredible man who’s holding me close to his chest. For the first time in a very long time, life is looking up for me, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Chapter 19


I’m still laughing when I climb into Conrad’s truck. “Was that your idea?”

“Nope, but fuck, I wish I would have thought of it. That was epic.” He grins, backing out of my driveway.

“She’s something else.” I shake my head thinking about Aspen and the look on Aurora’s face.

“You and Aurora looked awful cozy.”

“She’s my girlfriend. Is there another way for us to look?” I ask.

“No.” He chuckles. “She just seems to be more relaxed.”

“Yeah, with each day she drops another layer of the shield she has erected. I swear if I ever meet the jackass, I’m going to kill him,” I seethe.

“Wow, hold up now. What jackass and those are some strong words, brother.”

“Her ex is the jackass, and you better hope one of you are around if he and I do ever cross paths.”

“What did he do?” Con’s voice is deadly calm, which is the opposite of my happy-go-lucky carefree little brother.

“He tore her down,” I say, running my fingers through my hair.

“Can you elaborate?” he asks, pulling into Owen’s driveway.

“I might as well wait until we get inside. I don’t feel like repeating this story a million times.”

“There are only four of us,” he reminds me.

“Yeah, but add in Mom and Dad, and the girls, and I can see me having to retell it over and over again. Not to mention, I’m not telling you all everything. I’ll give you enough to understand why I want to kill him. The rest is her story to tell.”

“You think she’ll ever tell it to anyone but you?”

“I don’t know. I hope so. They’re here all alone. Their parents are in Memphis but from what she tells me, there is no other family.”

“No, shit?” he asks, grabbing his Copyright 2016 - 2024