Kiss by Kiss (Riggins Brothers #3) - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,49

wall of the shower and closing my eyes.


Fuck me. She’s trying to kill me.

Opening my eyes, I peer down at her. “Yeah, baby?” I grit out.

“Watch me.”

What. The. Fuck.

My girl went from being shy and timid to a sex goddess in one night. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. That’s what I wanted for her, to have the confidence with me to take what she wants, but this… this is more than I expected, and everything I’ve ever wanted.

Doing as she asks, I keep my eyes locked on her as she takes me into her mouth. The water is raining down on us, her hair is wet and matted to her face, and her mouth’s stretched wide with my cock. My hands tremble at my sides, and my knees, they’re weak. I’ve never in my life felt like my knees were going to give out from the sight of a woman on her knees. Then again, this isn’t just any woman. This is my woman. This is Aurora. The woman who swooped in with her sweet treats and fragile heart and stole mine.

“Babe.” I tap her on her shoulder. She stops and looks up at me, letting my throbbing cock fall from her pretty pink lips. “I’m close,” I tell her, fisting my cock. “I didn’t know if you were ready for that, so…” I let my words hang as I continue to stroke myself. “I’m close,” I tell her.

She nods but doesn’t look at me. Her eyes are glued to my hand stroking myself. I watch as her tongue peeks out and swipes at her lips, and that’s all it takes. I’m crying out her name and spilling onto her chest. I sag against the wall. That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. Forcing myself to open my eyes, I look down to see her staring at her chest. Fuck. Panic rips through me. I knew this was too much too soon. I quickly fall to my knees, which gets her attention. A slow smile pulls at her lips.


“Thank you.” Her smile grows.

Relief washes over me. “Come here, you.” I pull her into me and hug the hell out of her. “You’re incredible.” I kiss her slowly. I hope it says: I love you, thank you, and when can we do it again. “Let’s get cleaned up.” I stand, bringing her with me, and we quickly shower, which was the original plan.

Not ten minutes later, we’re both back in bed, sans clothes, her head resting on my chest. My arms are holding her tight, and as sleep claims me, I send up a silent prayer that this is what our forever looks like.

Chapter 18


My eyes fly open when a pair of lips press against my shoulder, and “Good morning, beautiful,” is whispered in a sexy, husky morning voice.


Last night wasn’t a dream. Heat floods my cheeks when I think about what we did, what I did. I’ve never been that bold before, not in my life, and not while naked. I’m glad he can’t see my face so I can hide my embarrassment and unease. What happens today?

“Stop thinking. It’s too early.” Grant chuckles, pulling me closer, snuggling his face into my neck. “You hungry?” he asks, just as a phone starts to ring from somewhere in the house. “Ugh, who is calling me this early?”

“It’s after eight.”

‘Right? Too damn early.”

“This is sleeping late for me.”

“Because you go to work in the middle of the night.” The phone that has stopped ringing begins again. “Wait, is that my phone or yours?” he asks.

“I’m not sure.”

“I’ll go find them both. You stay here. I want to come back to this.” He grins and climbs out of bed. A few minutes later, he’s walking butt-ass naked back into his room and perching on the edge of the bed. “It was mine.” He taps the screen and places the phone next to his ear. “What’s up, brother?” he asks.

I can only assume it’s one of his brothers. Trying not to listen and give him privacy, I unlock the screen of my phone and see a text from Aspen.

Aspen: I want details, sister!

Aspen: The suspense is killing me.

Me: We just woke up.

Her reply is immediate.

Aspen: You slept until after 8:00 a.m.?!

Me: Yep.

I can’t help but grin, knowing giving her little bits and pieces is indeed driving her crazy—however, the joke’s on me when my phone rings. I fumble with my phone and quickly answer it. “Hello?” I greet in a Copyright 2016 - 2024